A Black woman with short hair is seated at a table outside of a bright pink mobile mammogram van. She is wearing a colorful dress, a face mask and is filling out paperwork. A clinic nurse is standing next to to assist.


The mission of the Prevent Cancer Foundation is to empower people to stay ahead of cancer through prevention and early detection. Our vision is a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all.

1985 年以来、Prevent Cancer Foundation は次の 4 つの主要分野に重点を置き、その使命を果たしてきました。

  • Research. これらの疾患に対する理解を深め、がんを予防する方法や、治療が成功する可能性が高い早期発見の方法を理解するのに役立つ研究に資金を提供します。
  • Education. Educating people about how they can prevent cancer and detect it early through healthy lifestyle choices, vaccinations and medical screenings.
  • Outreach. 全国規模で資金提供し、地域で活動できるプログラムを通じて、地域社会に働きかけます。
  • Advocacy. Engaging lawmakers and regulators through education and advocacy to promote the enactment of laws and regulations that support cancer research and prevention.

The annual Impact Report gives the Foundation the opportunity to showcase the partners, communities and supporters that contribute to our shared mission.