Give the gift of better outcomes! Your support helps people get the cancer screenings they need.


A three-quarter view of an older white man who is smiling and pointing to the camera. He is holding a toddler who is dressed in a winter jacket and white stocking hat. The man is also wearing a jacket and a navy blue t-shirt with a bright green Prevent Cancer Foundation imprint.




预防癌症基金会® 是个 仅有的 U.S.-based nonprofit organization solely dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection. Our vision is a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all.


The Foundation was founded in 1985 and carries out its work in four areas:

研究: 该基金会为美国一些最负盛名的学术机构和医疗中心提供研究补助金和奖学金,基金会研究项目的目标是确定并资助有可能对癌症预防和早期发现做出重大贡献的创新项目。

教育: 该基金会致力于提供基于证据的信息,指导如何通过健康的生活方式选择、接种疫苗和医学筛查来预防癌症或及早发现癌症。

外联: 基金会通过各种计划和拨款与社区建立联系,使我们能够在全国(和全球!)范围内提供资金并在当地采取行动。通过赋予最了解社区的人权力,基金会能够实施拯救生命的计划,造福所有人群,尤其是医疗服务不足的人群。

倡导: 通过宣传吸引政策制定者和基层支持者,该基金会推动增加研究资金,减少差距并支持改善获得护理和筛查机会的立法。


减少 40% 癌症死亡人数的宏伟目标

迎接 2035 年的挑战