Give the gift of better outcomes! Your support helps people get the cancer screenings they need.

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A man sits at a table facing a gaming console and wearing a headset. Four other adults sit behind him on a couch also wearing headsets. All are on a stage in a hotel ballroom. There is a large crowd of people behind them watching the game being projected on a screen that is not visible in the photo.


Fundraise Your Way

Turn your passion into a fundraiser to support the Prevent Cancer Foundation–it’s easier than you think.

Making a difference doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking—you can turn everyday events and activities into fundraisers. Take your favorite hobbies or passions and turn them into fundraisers to create a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all.


Getting Started

There is more than one way to get involved and start your own fundraiser to support cancer prevention and early detection.

Want to fundraise but don’t know where to start?

These 5 steps will get you going:

  1. Start a fundraiser! Download your toolkit for fundraising tips and tools.
  2. Customize your fundraising page with images and a personal message. Let everyone know why you’re passionate about preventing cancer or detecting it early and why they should donate.
  3. Set a goal and make the first Prevent Cancer Foundation donation—people are more likely to donate to a page that has already raised some money. $5 should get the ball rolling!
  4. Ask friends and family for support by sharing, tweeting or posting your fundraiser on social media, writing an email or making a phone call. Connecting with your community will help you reach your goal.
  5. Say thank you when you receive donations to show your appreciation to everyone who helps you reach your goal.


Need help conveying your message? View our cancer prevention and early detection resources.

Have other questions? Reach out to Amanda Wallach at