Meet Ernie Hudson
Ernie Hudson is best known for his role in the 1984 cult classic, Ghostbusters; however few fans know him as a two-time cancer survivor. Hudson was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1998, and with rectal cancer in 2011. In both cases, screening caught his cancer early, making treatment more effective. Hudson has always been a champion of his own health and wellness and is using his voice to amplify cancer prevention.
“It’s important to me that people know this issue is serious, but prevention is possible. As a two-time cancer survivor, I’m proud to be working with the Prevent Cancer Foundation to help bring awareness to the link between viruses and cancer. Bringing awareness to the HPV vaccine and its ability to prevent at least six types of cancer is truly stopping cancer before it starts.”
Hudson is now cancer-free and wants to spread the word about the importance of getting the HPV vaccine to prevent cancer.
“As a dad, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect my kids from cancer. Every parent needs to know there is an HPV vaccine that can protect your kids from cancer. Getting tested for cancer saved my life—getting your son or daughter vaccinated could save theirs.”
Learn more about Cancer and Viruses
The human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B and hepatitis C are viruses that can cause cancer.