Joann Piccolo

Joann Piccolo is a principal in Carmody Consulting, LLC. In this capacity she advises clients in the areas of public affairs and global government affairs structures. Most recently, Piccolo opened and led the Office of Global Government Affairs and Corporate Responsibility for TE Connectivity Inc., where she was responsible for overseeing government interface and corporate giving globally with offices in Washington, D.C., Switzerland, Belgium and China. She established the TE Political Action Committee and served as its Chair. Her office was also responsible for overseeing the TE Connectivity Foundation of which she was a board member.
Prior to joining TE, Piccolo worked for Motorola for 23 years and served as the Corporate Vice President of U.S. Government Relations. During her career she also served as Assistant Vice President for Government Relations for the New York Commodity Exchange (COMEX) as well as having worked in the U.S. Senate.
Ms. Piccolo was a founding member and board member of many Washington based organizations and continues to advise many of them but has narrowed her participation on boards and currently serves on the executive committee of the National Science and Technology Education Partnership as well as serving as Vice-Chair of the Prevent Cancer Foundation. With over thirty-five years of experience in the area of public policy she also enjoys serving as a mentor and executive coach to many who are beginning their careers in the area of public affairs.
Piccolo holds degrees in both History and Political Science from Dunbarton College, Washington, D.C.