Dr. Anna Giuliano stands in her research lab facing the camera and smiling.


私たちは協力して、若手科学者が主導するフェローシップ プロジェクトなど、最も有望で革新的な研究に資金を提供し、がんの予防と早期発見における重要な進歩に貢献しています。

The Prevent Cancer Foundation awards research grants and fellowships to promising scientists for innovative projects with the potential to make substantial contributions to cancer prevention and early detection. This funding is critical to the future of cancer prevention as it fosters the next generation of cancer prevention research, creates a strong foundation of preliminary evidence to make scientific advances and provides the necessary support for research to move toward independent research careers.



To receive updates about the research grants and fellowships program, please fill out the form below.

Research Grants & Fellowships Notification Form

*" は必須フィールドです

I would like to receive the following communications:


  • これまでに財団は 590+ がん予防および早期発見研究助成金およびフェローシップ。
  • これらのプロジェクトは 25 がんの種類。
  • 最も頻繁に資金提供を受けているがんの種類は次のとおりです。
    • 結腸




  • 大腸がんやその他のがんの早期発見のための分子バイオマーカーを特定するための研究。
  • 予防用途の標的薬物介入の進歩。
  • 膵臓がんのリスクが高い人を特定するための機械学習の開発。
  • 肝臓がんにつながる可能性のある非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患のリスクが高い人のためのライフスタイル変更のための文化的適応戦略。


Prevent Cancer Foundation の賞データベースを使用して、がんの予防と早期発見におけるこれらの重要な進歩を推進する研究者とプロジェクトを見つけてください。


Current Researchers and Fellows

2025 Awards

Tamar Berger, M.D., MHA

Tamar Berger, M.D., MHA

Project: Detection of Molecular Biomarkers for Oral Cancer Prevention
命名賞: 素晴らしいゲームをすぐに完成
位置: Instructor in Clinical Investigation
機関: Rockefeller University, The Laboratory of Genome Maintenance, New York, N.Y.

Eric Brouzes, Ph.D.

Eric Brouzes, Ph.D.

Project: Early Cervical Cancer Detection Using a Single Non-invasive Test
命名賞: Monalita & Fansly's Spicy Grant for Cancer Prevention
位置: Professor
機関: Stony Brook University, New York, N.Y.

Jim Hu, M.D., MPH

Jim Hu, M.D., MPH

Project: Using Technology to Improve Prostate Cancer Screening Information Quality
命名賞: 素晴らしいゲームをすぐに完成
位置: Professor
機関: Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, N.Y.

Mohammadhadi Khorrami, Ph.D.

Mohammadhadi Khorrami, Ph.D.

Project: Novel AI Imaging Tools for Early Detection and Invasion of Lung Cancer
命名賞: The Shure Family Charitable Foundation in memory of Max Shure
位置: Instructor
機関: Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.

Lydia Pace, M.D., MPH

Lydia Pace, M.D., MPH

Project: Racial Differences in Mammography After the 2024 USPSTF Recommendations
命名賞: 議会家族プログラム
位置: Associate Professor
機関: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Boston, Mass.

Brian Rood, M.D.

ブライアン Rood, M.D.

Project: The PTBP2 Splicing Regulator is Essential in Group 3/4 Medulloblastoma
命名賞: Sarah Howard Childhood Cancer Fund (special award)
位置: Professor of Pediatrics
機関: Children's National Medical Center and Children's Research Institute, Washington, D.C.

Aditi Sahu, Ph.D.

Aditi Sahu, Ph.D.

Project: Integrating Non-invasive Biomarkers for Early Melanoma Diagnosis
命名賞: ヴィック・ファジオ記念基金
位置: Senior Research Scientist
機関: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Stember, M.D., Ph.D.

Joseph Stember, M.D., Ph.D.

Project: Inpainting for Early Detection of Brain Tumors on MRI
命名賞: 素晴らしいゲームをすぐに完成
位置: Assistant Attending
機関: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y.

Erin Tagai, Ph.D., MPH

Erin Tagai, Ph.D., MPH

Project: Development of a ChatBot for Patients Receiving Genetic Testing Results
命名賞: 素晴らしいゲームをすぐに完成
位置: 助教授
機関: Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pa.

Chen Wang, Ph.D.

Chen Wang, Ph.D.

Project: Early Detection of Renal Cancer by a Novel Imaging Platform
命名賞: 素晴らしいゲームをすぐに完成
位置: Postdoctoral Fellow
機関: The Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.

Grace Wang, Ph.D.

Grace Wang, Ph.D.

Project: Formative Research to Support FQHC Implementation of HPV Test Self Sampling
命名賞: Monalita & Fansly's Spicy Grant for Cancer Prevention
位置: Director of Research
機関: Moses-Weitzman Health System Inc., Middletown, Conn.

2024 Awards

Lisa Cannon-Albright, Ph.D.

リサ Cannon-Albright, Ph.D.

Project: A High-Risk Pedigree Approach to Identification of Predisposition Variants
命名賞: ヴィック・ファジオ記念基金
位置: Professor and Division Chief in the Division of Genetic Epidemiology
機関: Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah., Salt Lake City, Utah

Brian Capell, M.D., Ph.D.

ブライアン Capell, M.D., Ph.D.

Project: Dietary Fatty Acid Modulation for the Prevention of Squamous Cell Carcinoma
命名賞: 素晴らしいゲームをすぐに完成
位置: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Genetics
機関: The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

Perla Chebli, Ph.D.

Perla Chebli, Ph.D.

Project: Promoting Vaccine Acceptance in Immigrant Youths and Adults
命名賞: 素晴らしいゲームをすぐに完成
位置: 助教授
機関: New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York, N.Y.

Jennifer Hay, Ph.D.

ジェニファー Hay, Ph.D.

Project: Addressing Low Awareness of the Cancer Harms of Alcohol in the Population
命名賞: 議会家族プログラム
位置: Attending Psychologist
機関: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y.

José Alejandro Rauh-Hain, M.D.

José Alejandro Rauh-Hain, M.D.

Project: IGNITE-TX (Identifying Individuals for Genetic Testing & Treatment)
命名賞: In honor of Bernard Levin, M.D., FACP, professor emeritus of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
位置: Associate Professor
機関: University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Mya Roberson, Ph.D., MSPH

Mya Roberson, Ph.D., MSPH

Project: We Got Us: Promoting Cancer Family History Sharing Among Black Americans
命名賞: 素晴らしいゲームをすぐに完成
位置: 助教授
機関: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, N.C.

Steve Skates, Ph.D. Co-PI: Amy Bregar, M.D.

Steve Skates, Ph.D.;
Co-PI: Amy Bregar, M.D.

Project: Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer via Biomarker Discovery in Uterine Lavage
命名賞: 素晴らしいゲームをすぐに完成
位置: Associate Professor of Medicine;
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive, Biology
機関: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.

Matthew Stachler, M.D., Ph.D.

Matthew Stachler, M.D., Ph.D.

Project: Immune Determinants of Barrett's Esophagus Progression
Named award: The Shure Family Charitable Foundation in memory of Max Shure
位置: 助教授
機関: University of California, San Francisco, Calif.

Sherrie Flynt Wallington, Ph.D.

Sherrie Flynt Wallington, Ph.D.

Project: Breast Density and Me: A Pilot Educational Intervention
命名賞: Marcia and Frank Carlucci Charitable Foundation
位置: Associate Professor
機関: The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.