A senior man and woman dance closely in a well-lit kitchen. they are gazing at one another and smiling.




Hepatitis C can cause 肝臓がん and approximately 50% of all liver cancer cases in the U.S. are related to the hepatitis C virus. Most people who do contract the virus do not know they have it and do not receive available curative treatment that can prevent liver cancer.

Hepatitis C becomes a chronic infection for 75-85% of infected people, but it can also be a short-term illness for some. Chronic hepatitis C can cause lifelong health problems.

You can be tested for hepatitis C, and if you test positive, treated for the virus. This would greatly reduce your risk of liver cancer.


Get tested

There is currently no vaccine for hepatitis C. Get tested according to guidelines*, and if you test positive, get treated for the virus to prevent liver cancer.

*出典: 疾病予防管理センター (CDC)

All adults: Hepatitis C testing

Every adult ages 18–79 should be tested for hepatitis C at least once in their lifetime. If you test positive for the virus, curative treatments are available.

People who are pregnant

Any person who is pregnant (regardless of age), should be screened for hepatitis C.

People who have other risk factors

Any person with other risk factors (regardless of age), including having human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), should be screened for hepatitis C.

Know your risk for hepatitis C

You are at increased risk for hepatitis C infection if you:

  • 仕事を通じて血にさらされる。
  • 1945年から1965年の間に生まれた人。
  • 娯楽目的で薬物を注射したり、注射針を共有したりしたことがある。
  • 1992 年 7 月(血液および臓器の C 型肝炎検査が開始された時期)以前に輸血または臓器移植を受けた。
  • 適切な感染管理を行わずに(滅菌されていない器具を使用するなど)タトゥーやボディピアスを施したことがある。
  • 1987 年以前に血液凝固障害の治療を受けた。
  • 黒人です。
  • 長期の血液透析を受けている。
  • HIVに感染している。
  • 感染した人とコンドームなしで性交した。
  • 出生時に男性と指定され、出生時に男性と指定された他の人と性交する。
  • 妊娠中にC型肝炎に罹患した人から生まれました。


Reduce your risk for hepatitis C and liver cancer

You can contract hepatitis C through blood-to-blood contact with a person who has the infection. Follow this guidance* to reduce your risk:


Icon illustration of a magnifying glass.

Get screened for hepatitis C.

Get screened for hepatitis C at least once in your lifetime, or more often based on your personal risk factors. If you test positive, get treated for the virus.

Icon illustration of a condom package.


自分を守るために、セックスをするたびに新しいコンドームを正しく使用してください。これでは 100% の保護は得られません。

Icon illustration of a plastic bucket with a biohazard symbol on it.



Signs and symptoms of hepatitis C

Most people with short-term hepatitis C do not experience symptoms or only have mild symptoms. Most people with chronic hepatitis C do not have symptoms, or may show symptoms of chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis (liver scarring) or liver cancer.

Talk to you a health care provider if you are experiencing:

  • 倦怠感
  • 濃い尿
  • 粘土色または淡い色の便
  • 腹痛(特に右上腹部)
  • 腹部の腫れ
  • かゆみ
  • 皮膚の黄変(黄疸)または目の白目部分(強膜)
  • 食欲減少
  • 吐き気と嘔吐