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Headshot of Sonia Sahney

Sonia Sahney is the former chief marketing officer for GE Healthcare’s global Molecular Imaging and Computed Tomography (MICT) business unit, the largest portfolio in GE Healthcare. Responsible for creating and accelerating the multi-billion-dollar units’ marketing strategy, she oversaw all aspects of MICT’s marketing, long term strategy, customer experience, and product launches across more than two dozen product lines.

Sonia joined GE Healthcare’s coveted talent development program in 2006, the Commercial Leadership Program. Since that start, she served in multiple diagnostic imaging equipment sales, marketing, and leadership roles, overseeing CT sales and marketing across Canada, before stepping into a global marketing director position. There she was responsible for the launch of several of GE’s most popular CT products and applications. Sonia was named CMO, MICT in 2020, and led the global go-to-market strategy across the two portfolios. Her team’s mission was to align product development with deep customer voice, market trends, and competitive landscapes to achieve memorable product launches, backed by strong evidence, with winning operational and economic stories.

ソニアは、グローバル チームを率いる優れた文化的能力を持ち、ダイナミックな演説家、チーム モチベーター、多様性と女性のリーダーシップの擁護者です。マーケティングに対する革新的なアプローチで知られ、業界の深い専門知識、テクノロジーへの情熱、ユーモアの力で強力な顧客体験を生み出す彼女は、人を魅了し、刺激を与えるリーダーです。カナダ出身のソニアは、カナダのマクマスター大学 (MBA) とクイーンズ大学 (工学士) を卒業しています。現在は、夫と 2 人の子供とともにイリノイ州シカゴに住んでいます。