Prevent Cancer Foundation welcomes 2023 corporate members dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection



Alexandria, Va. – The Prevent Cancer Foundation today announced the first class of members in the newly launched Corporate Membership Program. A one-of-a-kind partnership, the Foundation’s Corporate Membership Program is aimed at accelerating mutual goals and reaffirming a commitment from corporate partners to advancing cancer prevention and early detection.

Program members will have access to Foundation resources and exclusive events, creating opportunities to collaborate and exchange ideas throughout the year. Member support will fund the Foundation’s essential work in four key areas: research, education, outreach and advocacy. Members will also play a critical role in embracing bold strategies and advancing the Foundation’s mission of empowering people to stay ahead of cancer through prevention and early detection.

“We are thrilled to officially launch the Corporate Membership Program, solidifying the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s valued partnerships with experts across the industry,” said Jody Hoyos, CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation. “Our members’ commitment to cancer prevention and early detection is essential to our work and enables us to guide people of screening age toward better outcomes for their health.”

The 2023 class of corporate members, as of the date of this publication, include:

Corporate Champions Circle 

  • Exact Sciences 
  • Hologic 
  • Illumina

Corporate Innovators Circle 

  • Daiichi Sankyo
  • Eisai 
  • Guardant Health 
  • Sanofi

The Corporate Membership Program is open to companies who support the Foundation’s vision of a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all. Those interested in learning more about the program or how to join our corporate community can contact Jennifer Niyangoda, Vice President of Development and Marketing, at 



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詳細については、 がん予防.