CNN’s Sara Sidner, congressional spouse Charles Capito and University of Arizona Cancer Center Skin Cancer Institute honored by Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Congressional Families Program

Washington, D.C. – The Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Congressional Families® Program held its 31st Annual Action for Cancer Awareness Awards luncheon on Thursday, September 19 on Capitol Hill. The group honored CNN’s Sara Sidner with the Distinguished Service in Journalism 賞, congressional spouse Charles Capito (married to Senator Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia) with the 連邦議会家族リーダーシップ賞, and the University of Arizona Cancer Center Skin Cancer Institute with the Excellence in Cancer Awareness Award.
The Congressional Families Program’s signature event is widely attended by members of Congress and their spouses, as well as leaders in the cancer prevention community and Program supporters, to recognize the contributions of those using their platforms to educate the public about cancer prevention and early detection. The theme of this year’s event was “The Power of Community.” Jody Hoyos, CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation, said in her remarks, “The power of community leads to a community empowered. Empowered to check their health. Empowered to reduce their cancer risk. Empowered to stay ahead of cancer.”
リサ・マクガバン, executive director of the Congressional Families Program, served as emcee. “This year’s honorees exemplify the strength of community in sharing messages of cancer prevention and early detection so that more Americans may stay ahead of cancer,” she said. “As pillars in their communities, they have built foundations of trust with their constituents, making them ideal ambassadors to inspire healthy actions for better outcomes.”
Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi also joined the event and spoke on the power of unity against a common enemy: cancer.
More about the 2024 honorees:
Sara Sidner, Co-Anchor, CNN News Central
ジャーナリズムにおける顕著な功績 賞
In January 2024, Sara Sidner announced her stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis live during a CNN broadcast to both educate the public and inspire her audience to act. As she shared her personal story, she also stressed the racial disparity that exists among Black women in the U.S. with breast cancer and urged women to get their annual mammograms and pay attention to changes in their bodies.
Ms. Sidner received her biopsy results days after returning to New York from overseas work travel; the lump she had noticed months earlier and raised cause for concern in her mammogram was cancerous. Ms. Sidner has taken the public with her on her journey from diagnosis to chemotherapy to a double mastectomy. She has shared her experience with viewers and followers on social media in candid, educational and often humorous updates. We honor Ms. Sidner for using her platform as a journalist to educate her audience and for sharing her personal story to inspire action.
Charles Capito (married to Senator Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia)
Charles Capito serves on the Congressional Families Program Executive Council, providing valuable guidance to strengthen and grow the bipartisan, bicameral program. In his home state of West Virginia, which has one of the highest rates of lung cancer in the U.S., Mr. Capito raises awareness to prevent the disease and detect it early for better outcomes. He has participated in numerous Program initiatives including the “Congressional Families: Voices for Cancer Prevention” video series, a bipartisan panel featuring First Lady Jill Biden, and a site visit to West Virginia University Cancer Institute’s mobile lung cancer screening unit, LUCAS. Like many, Mr. Capito’s family has been touched personally by cancer; he lost his grandmother, mother and father to the disease.
University of Arizona Cancer Center Skin Cancer Institute
Inspired by the success of Project Students Are Sun Safe (SASS), which annually trains 20-30 University of Arizona students how to teach skin cancer prevention messages to middle school and high school students, the Skin Cancer Institute (SCI) launched its community ambassadors program. In 2023 alone, SASS trainees presented to 16 schools and 815 middle and high school students, but demand for these presentations exceeded the number of trained student advocates. Community members expressed interest in wanting to help, thus creating the Community Ambassadors for Skin Cancer Prevention Program. Workshops teach community members about skin cancer and ways to be sun safe, while also training them to deliver these messages to others within the community. The SCI’s goal is to “spread the word” on how dangerous sun exposure and skin cancer can be, and to create a healthier community through education. The program is supported through a 2023 Prevent Cancer Foundation grant. The award will be accepted by Dylan Miller, MPH, SCI Outreach Program Coordinator.

国会議員家族について® プログラム
The Congressional Families® Program is a bipartisan, non-political initiative founded in 1991 to increase the public’s understanding of cancer prevention and early detection through education and outreach. Members of Congress and their spouses/partners are supported in using their unique platforms to raise awareness, highlight resources and inspire action in their home districts and states through site visits, op-eds and social media content, building a nonpartisan community focused on stopping cancer.
When the Congressional Families Program launched as a partnership between the Prevent Cancer Foundation and The Congressional Club, initial efforts focused on breast cancer. The success of the Program’s first five years led to the expansion of its scope to include colorectal, liver, lung, oral, prostate, skin, testicular and cervical cancers, as well as HPV-related cancers.
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がん予防財団® は、がんの予防と早期発見を通じて、すべての人々の命を救うことに専念する米国唯一の非営利団体です。研究、教育、アウトリーチ、支援活動を通じて、私たちは数え切れないほどの人々ががんの診断を回避したり、早期にがんを発見して治療を成功させたりできるよう支援してきました。
当財団は、2035 年までにがんによる死亡者数を 40% 削減するという課題に立ち向かうべく立ち上がっています。この目標を達成するために、当財団は、がんを早期に発見し、複数のがんのスクリーニングを進めるための革新的な技術に $20 百万ドル、医療サービスが行き届いていないコミュニティへのがんスクリーニングとワクチン接種のアクセス拡大に $10 百万ドル、スクリーニングとワクチン接種の選択肢について一般の人々を啓蒙するために $10 百万ドルを投資することを約束しています。
詳細については、 がん予防.