A closeup portrait of a senior woman who is looking hopeful at the camera.




Legislative update:

The Prevent Cancer Foundation strongly supports the reintroduction of the bipartisan Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act (H.R. 842)/Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act (S. 339) in the 119th Congress. This pivotal legislation, set to transform cancer screening and detection, is championed by Representatives Jodey Arrington (R-Texas), Terri Sewell (D-Ala.), Richard Hudson (R-N. C.), Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa) and Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) and Senators Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.).

We remain committed to seeing this bill over the finish line in the 119th Congress. Your advocacy will be essential—will you join us?


マルチがん早期検出(MCED)は、ゲノム科学と機械学習の進歩を活用してがん検出を変革する画期的な新しいタイプのがんスクリーニング検査です。 550 organizations are advocating for seniors to be able to access MCED testing and other new early detection technologies coming down the pike.

現在、定期的なスクリーニング検査が受けられるのは 5 種類のがんのみであり、大多数のがんはスクリーニング検査を受けられない状態です。がんを早期に発見することで、より効果的で効率的な治療が可能になり、患者とその家族の生活の質が向上します。

Media Inquiries

Meet Prevent Cancer Foundation MCED experts Jody Hoyos and Caitlin Kubler
