TODAY’s Al Roker, Congressman Jamie Raskin, and congressional spouses Patricia Garamendi and Martha McKenzie Hill honored by Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Congressional Families Program

1st row (L to R): Congressional Families Leadership honoree Patricia Garamendi (married to Congressman John Garamendi, Calif.), Distinguished Service in Journalism honoree Al Roker, Congressional Families Leadership honoree Martha Hill (married to Congressman French Hill, Ark.) 2nd row (L to R): Prevent Cancer Foundation CEO Jody Hoyos, Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program Executive Director Lisa McGovern



ワシントンDC - The Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program® held its 30番目 Annual Action for Cancer Awareness Awards luncheon on Thursday, September 14 on Capitol Hill. The group honored “TODAY’s” beloved Al Roker のために Distinguished Service in Journalism; accomplished congressional spouses Patricia Garamendi (married to Rep. John Garamendi of California) and Martha McKenzie Hill (married to Rep. French Hill of Arkansas) for Congressional Families Leadership; Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland was honored with a Special Recognition Award presented by former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, who publicly battled cancer shortly after his election in 2015.

Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (right) presents the Special Recognition Award to Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-Md.).

The Congressional Families Program’s signature event is widely attended by members of Congress and their spouses, as well as leaders in the cancer prevention community and Program supporters, to recognize the contributions of those using their platforms to educate the public about cancer prevention and early detection. The theme of this year’s event was “Early Detection = Better Outcomes,” in recognition of the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s rallying cry on the importance of routine cancer screenings to detect cancer early. Fox News Chief National Correspondent and Prevent Cancer Foundation board member ジェニファー・グリフィン served as the master of ceremonies.

“For 30 years, the Congressional Families luncheon has gathered a bipartisan community of members of Congress and their spouses to renew our commitment to cancer prevention and early detection and honor outstanding individuals for their contributions to this work,” said Lisa McGovern, executive director of the Congressional Families Program. “Each year, it is very moving for our honorees to receive their awards from a colleague from the other party–as we saw with Congressman Raskin and Governor Hogan today. When it comes to cancer prevention, we must all be on the same team.”

More about the 2023 honorees:

Al Roker, Weather and Feature Anchor, “TODAY” and Co-Host, 3rd Hour of “TODAY” 
Distinguished Service in Journalism

In November 2020, Al Roker revealed on “TODAY” that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The cancer was discovered after bloodwork taken during a routine physical showed his prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels were elevated, which can indicate cancer or other issues. By sharing his journey, Mr. Roker has brought attention to the increased risk of prostate cancer for Black men and the importance of early detection. Years before his diagnosis, in 2017 and 2019, he participated in public service announcements about the importance of prostate cancer checks.

Congressman Jamie Raskin (8th District, Maryland) 
Special Recognition

Congressman Jamie Raskin is a legislative cancer champion and shares his personal experience to raise awareness about the importance of cancer prevention and early detection. Prior to serving in Congress, he was diagnosed and successfully treated for stage III colon cancer. Since his election in 2017, Congressman Raskin has utilized his platform to educate the public. In 2022, Congressman Raskin was diagnosed with a serious but curable form of lymphoma. With characteristic humor and grace, he publicly shared about his diagnosis and treatment, which he concluded in April; his cancer is now in remission.

Patricia Garamendi (married to Congressman John Garamendi, California) 
Congressional Families Leadership Award

Patricia Garamendi is a longtime member and leader of the Congressional Families Program Advisory Committee. As the current president of The Congressional Club (which in 1991 was the founding partner of the Congressional Families Program), Mrs. Garamendi has continued the club’s commitment to raising awareness about cancer prevention and early detection as a top service priority. The Garamendis attend Congressional Families educational events and share vital information and personal stories through social media posts, op-eds, newsletter articles and videos.

Martha McKenzie Hill (married to Congressman French Hill, Arkansas) 
Congressional Families Leadership Award

Martha McKenzie Hill is a leader who raises awareness about cancer prevention and early detection both as a member of the Congressional Families Program Executive Council and as a powerful voice in her home state. She serves on the Advisory Board of the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences—the state’s only academic medical center—which is seeking a National Cancer Institute designation. Mrs. Hill is a fierce advocate for providing access to cutting-edge care to all Arkansans, particularly in rural and medically underserved communities; her work raises awareness of the needs of these communities and how to effectively address them.



議会家族がん予防プログラム® がん予防と早期発見に関する国民の理解を深めるための超党派の取り組みです。上院議員、下院議員、内閣議員、最高裁判所議員の家族は、それぞれの選挙区内、そして全国で、これらの病気に対する意識を高め、リスクを軽減するために活動するよう呼びかけられています。

1991 年に、Prevent Cancer Foundation と Congressional Club のパートナーシップとして Congressional Families Program が開始されたとき、当初の取り組みは乳がんに重点が置かれていました。 プログラムの最初の 5 年間の成功により、その範囲は拡大され、大腸がん、肝臓がん、肺がん、口腔がん、前立腺がん、皮膚がん、精巣がん、子宮頸がん、および HPV 関連がんが含まれるようになりました。 このプログラムは、参加者にビデオ視聴の機会、すぐに使えるソーシャルメディア投稿、論点、論説、スピーチ、イベント用の教育リソース、各地区内外で共有できる資料を提供します。これらのツールを使って、議会家族プログラムは、がん予防と早期発見のメッセージを米国全土のコミュニティに伝えています。 詳細については、 詳しくはこちら.


がん予防財団® 唯一の米国-ベース 非営利団体 専ら ひたむきな 予防と早期 検出. 研究、教育を通じて、 アウトリーチ およびアドボカシー, 私たちは、数え切れないほど多くの人々ががんの診断を回避したり、早期にがんを発見して治療を成功させるのを支援してきました。 私たちの原動力は がんが予防できる世界のビジョン 検出可能 そして打ち負かすことができる すべてのために 

財団は、2035年までに癌による死亡者数を40%減らすという課題に取り組むために立ち上がっています。これを達成するために、 私たちは がんを早期に発見し、進歩させるための革新的な技術に$20百万を投資することを約束 マルチがん検診、がん検診とワクチン接種へのアクセスを拡大するために$1000万 医学的に 十分なサービスを受けていないコミュニティを支援し、検査とワクチン接種の選択肢について一般の人々を啓蒙するために$1000万ドルを支出します。

詳細については、 がん予防.