Jordanian royalty to grace Prevent Cancer Foundation 29th Annual Gala



Washington, D.C. – Marking nearly three decades of honoring nations committed to cancer prevention and early detection, the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s 2023 Gala will pay tribute to Jordan on September 27 at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. Her Royal Highness, Princess Ghida Talal of Jordan and Her Excellency, Ambassador Dina Kawar will attend and will be honored during this year’s event, themed Jordan: Pillar of Wonder.

The 2022 Gala was a record-breaking event, raising over $2.2 million for cancer prevention and early detection efforts. This year’s event is on track to be another record-breaking event, with proceeds from the Gala supporting the Foundation’s programs, including research grants and fellowships and community grants. Funds will also support the Foundation’s public education campaigns, including “Early Detection = Better Outcomes,” launched this year to educate Americans on the routine cancer screenings they need and encourage them to schedule appointments, and “Too Young for This Sh*t,” which educates people about the alarming rise of colorectal cancer in young adults.

Continuing with tradition, the Foundation will present the annual Cancer Champion awards. Senators Tom Carper and Shelley Moore Capito are being recognized for their significant contributions to increasing access to prevention and early detection services.

Sen. Carper is a longtime supporter of affordable and accessible health care for all Americans. Along with his significant engagement in the crafting and passage of the Affordable Care Act, he has also committed to tobacco control legislation, providing access to affordable tobacco cessation treatments and extending benefits to firefighters who, in the line of duty, increase their risk of cancer and other diseases.

Sen. Capito is being recognized for her introduction of the Screening for Communities to Receive Early and Equitable Needed Services for Cancer Act to reauthorize the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, which will ensure more women have access to lifesaving cancer screenings.

Recognized as one of Washington’s premier events and ranked among top Washington charity events, the Gala attracts more than 1,000 guests, including members of Congress and the administration; the diplomatic community; and leaders in business, government, medical, sports, media, social and philanthropic communities.

D.C. media is invited to attend and report on the Gala:

What: Prevent Cancer Annual Gala

When: Wednesday, September 27

Where: National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20001

Dress:  Business or formal attire

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to by Monday, September 25. Please note that members of the press will not be seated for dinner.

A silent auction benefitting cancer research fellowships and community outreach will be held the evening of the event. Bids can be placed online beginning Wednesday, September 15. Learn more about the Prevent Cancer Annual Gala.

The 2023 Prevent Cancer Gala thanks its top sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor: 

  • Gilead


  • Community Oncology Alliance 
  • Daiichi-Sankyo 
  • Grail 
  • Johnson & Johnson 
  • Pfizer


  • メルク 
  • ノバルティス 
  • PhRMA 
  • Walmart 



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