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Spring clean your wellness routine

Cassie Smith

Spring clean your wellness routineIt’s hard to find motivation in the winter to commit to a healthy routine with less daylight, colder temperatures and fewer outdoor activities. Now that spring is here, ditch the unhealthy habits you’ve developed and recommit to wellness. Here are five tips to get you back on track.

  • Fix your bedtime routine. Sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Now that you’ve adjusted to daylight saving time, establish nighttime rituals to help you get the seven to nine hours of sleep recommended for adults. Avoid “screen time” before bed, as it can disrupt your ability to fall and stay asleep. If you’re not a morning person, prepare your lunch and lay out your clothes at night.
  • Evaluate your eating habits. During the winter, we tend to eat heavier meals and fewer fruits and vegetables. With so much fresh produce available during the spring and summer, plan your meals around fresh in-season produce rather than meat. Visit the farmers market for inspiration and use this spring produce guide for tips on selecting and storing produce.
  • Get outside. By the time spring rolls around, most of us are sick of the treadmill. Make the most of warmer weather and reinvigorate your exercise plan. Go for a jog outside, play tennis or take your dog for a hike.
  • Try something new. Spring offers lots of opportunities to try new activities. Encourage a friend to join you for a new group fitness class, sports league or 5K race.
  • Put down that device. Your mental health (and your eyes!) deserves a break from social media. Some apps can help you assess how much time you spend on your phone and help you fight the addiction. With your newfound free time, make plans with friends, read a book or try a few minutes of meditation.