Two black women in their 40s stand close together in a kitchen while gazing at each other with smiles. The woman on teh right is holding a coffee mug and has a computer in front her. The woman on the left is embracing the other woman from behind with both her hands on the other woman's shoulder.


Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month

April is Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month, reminding us all of the importance of routine screenings. These screenings can mean better outcomes for your health—that means more treatment options, more healthy days ahead, and more time with the people you love.


Help spread the word that early detection saves lives! Share resources, post on social media and use our toolkit for ideas and inspiration throughout the month of April. Don’t forget to tag us in your posts so we can call out your great work.


2025 Toolkit coming soon!



Kim 和 Penn Holderness 为 Better Outcomes 提供了有关癌症预防和早期发现的信息。


More resources

您见过 Earl E. Bird 吗?

Come meet Earl 并看看他如何取得更好的结果。


您是否曾因为听到朋友、家人甚至陌生人的故事而采取行动?超过四分之一的美国成年人表示,他们已经安排了常规癌症筛查,因为社交媒体上分享了一个感人的故事。也许您安排了常规医疗预约或癌症筛查,并获得了健康证明。也许早期发现癌症导致 更好的结果。无论您的故事是什么,我们都想听听您的声音!用您的声音激励和鼓励他人检查自己的健康。不知道您是否有故事要讲——或者不知道从哪里开始?我们可以提供帮助。只需发送电子邮件 安排“了解您”的电话或使用下面的按钮填写我们的简单表格!

Craig, a colorectal cancer survivor thanks to early detection, sitting with his two children on a porch.