Tennis Champion Chris Evert, TODAY’s Hoda Kotb and congressional spouse Abby Blunt are honored by Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Congressional Families Program

华盛顿特区 - 预防癌症基金会的国会家庭癌症预防计划® held its 29日 Annual Action for Cancer Awareness Awards luncheon on Wednesday, September 21 on Capitol Hill, its first in-person awards ceremony in three years. This year’s event honored Chris Evert, tennis champion; Hoda Kotb, co-anchor of “TODAY” and co-host of “TODAY” with Hoda & Jenna; and Abby Blunt, spouse of Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri. Discovery ID’s Paula Zahn 担任司仪。
Ms. Kotb sent a video message expressing her appreciation for the honor.
The nonpartisan Congressional Families Program hosts this signature event, which is widely attended by members of Congress and their spouses, as well as leaders in the cancer prevention community, to recognize the significant efforts of those using their platforms to educate the public about cancer prevention and early detection.
“Each of our honorees this year exemplifies how sharing our personal stories can inspire others to take charge of their health,” said 莉萨·麦戈文, Executive Director of the Congressional Families Program. “Early detection can save lives, but many people have put off their routine cancer screenings the past few years. We commend this year’s award recipients–each of whom have deep and meaningful connections with the public– for giving people the extra encouragement they may need to get those appointments back on the books.”
More about the 2022 honorees:
Chris Evert, 癌症认知杰出奖. Former world No. 1 tennis player and winner of 18 Grand Slam singles titles, Ms. Evert was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2021. Several years prior, her sister Jeanne was diagnosed with the same cancer at a later stage; after her death, doctors discovered a rare mutation of the BRCA gene had been the cause. Ms. Evert’s cancer—a type that is often caught too late to be effectively treated—was detected early following preventive surgery and genetic testing. Ms. Evert credits her late sister with saving her life.
Hoda Kotb, Distinguished Service in Journalism Award. Ms. Kotb was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 42 after her gynecologist discovered a lump during a routine exam. Several months after her diagnosis, she began a new role as co-host of the fourth hour of “TODAY” and opened up to viewers about her experience through an interview and video diary. As a trusted figure whom millions of Americans invite into their homes every weekday, Ms. Kotb serves as both a source for the latest medical news related to breast cancer prevention and early detection and as an inspiration for those who have been touched by cancer.
Abby Blunt (spouse of Sen. Roy Blunt, Missouri), 国会家庭领袖奖. Mrs. Blunt has been a longstanding member of the Congressional Families Program Advisory Committee and has served as a leader on the Executive Council since 2018. For more than two decades, she has participated in events and educational briefings and has shared information about cancer prevention and early detection to raise awareness in Missouri and beyond. Her family has been touched by cancer personally; Sen. Blunt is a three-time cancer survivor.
有关 国会家庭癌症预防计划®
这 国会家庭癌症预防计划® 是一项无党派倡议,旨在提高公众对癌症预防和早期发现的认识。参议院、众议院、内阁和最高法院成员的家人受邀在各自的选区和全国范围内开展工作,以提高公众对这些疾病的认识并降低患病风险。
When the Congressional Families Program launched in 1991 as a partnership between the Prevent Cancer Foundation and The Congressional Club, initial efforts focused on breast cancer. The success of the Program’s first five years led to the expansion of its scope to include colorectal, liver, lung, oral, prostate, skin, testicular and cervical cancers, as well as HPV-related cancers. The Program offers participants educational seminars, talking points, op-eds, letters to the editor, speeches, videos, program ideas and many more tools to use in their districts and beyond. With these tools, the Congressional Families Program takes the message of cancer prevention and early detection into communities across the U.S.
For more information, please visit
预防癌症基金会® 是美国唯一一家专注于通过癌症预防和早期检测挽救所有人群生命的非营利组织。通过研究、教育、推广和宣传,我们帮助无数人避免被诊断出癌症或及早发现癌症,以便成功治疗。
基金会正奋起应对到 2035 年将癌症死亡人数减少 40% 的挑战。为实现这一目标,我们承诺投资 $2000 万美元用于创新技术,以早期发现癌症并推进多癌筛查,投资 $1000 万美元用于扩大医疗服务不足社区的癌症筛查和疫苗接种机会,并投资 $1000 万美元用于教育公众有关筛查和疫苗接种的选择。