Prevent Cancer Foundation applauds bipartisan push for groundbreaking Medicare cancer screening bill

Alexandria, Va. – The Prevent Cancer Foundation strongly supports the reintroduction of the bipartisan Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act (H.R. 842)/Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act (S. 339) in the 119th Congress. This pivotal legislation, set to transform cancer screening and detection, is championed by Representatives Jodey Arrington (R-Texas), Terri Sewell (D-Ala.), Richard Hudson (R-N. C.), Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa) and Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) and Senators Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.).
“We have the opportunity to challenge the status quo in the early detection of cancer,” said Jody Hoyos, CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation. “By establishing a pathway for Medicare coverage of new transformational cancer detection tools, we move closer to a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all. We are grateful to Reps. Arrington, Sewell, Hudson, Ruiz, Miller-Meeks and Kelly and Senators Crapo, Bennet and Scott for their leadership.”
Today, routine screening is available for only five types of cancer, which leaves the vast majority of cancers without available screening tests. Finding cancer early, before it has spread to other parts of the body, increases the likelihood treatment will be successful, lowers the cost of treatment and improves quality of life for patients and their caregivers.
The Foundation has proudly led more than 500 advocacy organizations to support this crucial legislation, reflecting widespread recognition of the urgent need for Medicare to adopt innovative cancer detection technologies. As the legislation advances, the Foundation remains dedicated to advocating for its passage and ensuring that the benefits of MCED testing reach those who need them most.
For more information on multi-cancer early detection, visit
预防癌症基金会® is the only U.S.-based nonprofit organization solely dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection. Through research, education, outreach and advocacy, we have helped countless people avoid a cancer diagnosis or detect their cancer early enough to be successfully treated. We are driven by a vision of a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all.
基金会正奋起应对到 2035 年将癌症死亡人数减少 40% 的挑战。为实现这一目标,我们承诺投资 $2000 万美元用于创新技术,以早期发现癌症并推进多癌筛查,投资 $1000 万美元用于扩大医疗服务不足社区的癌症筛查和疫苗接种机会,并投资 $1000 万美元用于教育公众有关筛查和疫苗接种的选择。