Prevent Cancer Foundation remembers board member emeritus Alexine Clement Jackson

Alexine Jackson and Dr. Aaron “Jack” Jackson at the 2006 Prevent Cancer Foundation (formerly the Cancer Research & Prevention Foundation) annual Gala at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Ian Wagreich)
The Prevent Cancer Foundation is deeply saddened by the loss of cancer advocate, volunteer and Foundation board member emeritus Alexine C. Jackson. Ms. Jackson died on August 2, 2023.
A 23-year breast cancer survivor, Ms. Jackson was a firm believer in the power of cancer prevention, early detection and quality health care across all populations. Her relationship with the Foundation began in 1989, when she served as the national president of the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) of the USA. The Foundation and the “YW” collaborated on the Foundation’s first outreach program, Project Awareness. Ms. Jackson joined the Foundation’s board of directors in 1995.
杰克逊女士的倡导和志愿工作远远超出了她与基金会的联系——她是华盛顿特区社区的一名活跃志愿者,既在医疗保健领域内,也在医疗保健领域外。她是世界上最大的乳腺癌组织苏珊·科曼癌症基金会董事会主席。她还担任跨文化癌症委员会主席,致力于少数民族癌症教育和预防。在医疗保健领域之外,杰克逊女士曾担任国家妇女艺术博物馆主席和黑人妇女议程主席,并于 2001 年因推进、确保和保护面临贫困和/或缺乏经济和教育机会的黑人妇女的权利而获得该议程社区服务奖。
Ms. Jackson was predeceased by her husband, Dr. Aaron “Jack” Jackson, who was a physician, teacher and surgeon at Howard University Hospital. Dr. Jackson generously supported the Foundation’s efforts and the two attended our annual events together before he died of prostate cancer. Ms. Jackson’s dedication to the Foundation remained unwavering following his death—she continued to support the Foundation’s work through her role as an emeritus member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.
“Alexine Jackson exemplified what it meant to serve the community,” said Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé, Founder of the Prevent Cancer Foundation, who forged the relationship with Ms. Jackson in the early 90s. “We will miss our dear friend and her spirit of generosity that inspired us all at the Foundation to work toward creating a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all.”