Prevent Cancer Foundation awards $380,000 in global innovation grants



Alexandria, Va. – 预防癌症基金会® announces funding for four global grants supporting innovative cancer prevention and early detection projects in Mexico, Cameroon, Nigeria and Zambia. The 2024 Global Innovation Grants intend to reduce global health disparities by funding novel and impactful projects in cancer prevention, screening and vaccination in low- and middle-income countries. Each project will receive a $95,000, one-year grant award.

“From training the country’s first breast radiologists in Zambia and testing AI-supported breast cancer diagnosis in Nigeria to implementing novel approaches for addressing cervical cancer in Cameroon and Mexico, the Prevent Cancer Foundation is proud to support the 2024 Global Innovation Grants as we dare to imagine a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all.” said Jody Hoyos, CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation.  

These global innovation grants are made possible by Awesome Games Done Quick, an annual livestreamed video game marathon organized by Games Done Quick to raise funds for the Prevent Cancer Foundation.

Organization: Basic Health International 
Project Location: Mexico 
Title: Evaluating an HPV Tandem Test for Cervical Cancer Screening and Genotyping Triage  

Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer mortality among women in Mexico. This project will develop and implement a training curriculum for low-cost, self-collected human papillomavirus (HPV) sampling and will provide treatment for those at high risk in an under-screened population. The successful completion of this project will provide a streamlined cervical cancer prevention strategy that minimizes overtreatment and loss to follow-up.

Organization: Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services 
Project Location: Cameroon 
Title: From Mother-Daughter to Mother-Child Approach: A Strategy for Scaling Up HPV Vaccination in Cameroon

This project will address cervical cancer in three urban, medically underserved neighborhoods in Cameroon by screening women ages 30 and over for cervical cancer and vaccinating their children against HPV. Expanding on a prior Foundation-funded project focused on mothers and daughters, this program will vaccinate both girls and boys against HPV, with the goal of preventing more HPV-related cancers. If successful, the mother-child model has the potential to be replicated in other countries where HPV vaccination hesitancy and misinformation are major concerns. 

Organization: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 
Project Location: Nigeria 
Title: Artificial Intelligence Decision Support for Timely Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Nigeria 

Compared to forty years ago, Nigeria has experienced a threefold increase in breast cancer incidence. This project will train Nigerian radiologists to use a tablet-based mobile breast ultrasound with AI support for timely diagnosis of breast cancer, to bridge the gap of limited diagnostic imaging in the country. AI accuracy will be assessed to determine its future use for breast cancer diagnosis in low-resource communities worldwide.

Organization: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 
Project Location: Zambia 
Title: A Collaborative Breast Radiology Training Model for Early Breast Cancer Detection in Zambia   

There are no formally trained breast radiologists in Zambia, and two-thirds of breast cancer diagnoses in the country occur at late stages, when treatment may be less effective. This project aims to improve breast cancer detection and survival in Zambia by using a novel international collaborative training model to train the country’s first specialized breast radiologists.

For more information on the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Global Innovation Grants, visit



预防癌症基金会® 唯一的美国-基于 非盈利机构 独自 投入的 癌症 预防和早期 检测. 通过研究、教育、 外展 和倡导, 我们已经帮助无数人避免癌症诊断或及早发现癌症并得到成功治疗。 我们受到 一个可以预防癌症的世界的愿景, 可检测 并且可击败 对全部

基金会正努力应对到 2035 年减少 40% 癌症死亡人数的挑战。为了实现这一目标, 我们是 承诺投资 $2000 万美元用于创新技术,以尽早发现癌症并推进 多-癌症筛查,$1000万美元用于扩大癌症筛查和疫苗接种覆盖面 医学上 服务不足的社区,并投入 $10 万美元用于教育公众了解筛查和疫苗接种选择。
