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Mary Pasquinelli, DNP, to receive James L. Mulshine, M.D., National Leadership Award for her establishment of lung cancer screening program

Mary Pasquinelli - Mulshine Award

For Immediate Release


Alexandria, Va. (Nov. 3, 2021) — Mary Pasquinelli, DNP, a specialist in pulmonary and medical oncology based in Chicago, will receive the James L. Mulshine, M.D., National Leadership Award on Thursday, November 4. This award is given annually to an individual who has had a profound impact on reducing the toll of early thoracic disease on the health of Americans and people around the world. Pasquinelli is being honored for her work establishing a lung cancer screening program to benefit medically underserved communities.

预防癌症基金会® will present the ninth Mulshine Award at the 18 annual 定量成像研讨会. The workshop focuses on the advancement of the use of quantitative low-dose computerized tomography (LDCT) for detection and management of early thoracic disease—lung cancer, COPD and cardiovascular disease—three of the top four leading causes of death in the U.S.

The lung cancer screening program Dr. Pasquinelli created is at a federally qualified health center on the West Side of Chicago. Additionally, she published a series of highly regarded papers on her team’s screening activities with a deep interest in overcoming health disparities through the implementation of lung cancer screening.

“The James L. Mulshine, M.D., National Leadership Award allows us to recognize someone in the medical community whose significant contributions are creating better outcomes for those with or at increased risk of developing lung cancer, COPD or cardiovascular disease,” said Carolyn Aldigé, founder and CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation. “Our award winners, including this year’s winner, Mary Pasquinelli, have worked hard to make our world a better place, and they should be honored accordingly.”

Past recipients of the award:

  • 2020 年 – Daniel C. Sullivan 医学博士,因其在创立和主持定量成像生物标志物联盟 (QIBA) 方面所做的工作而获奖。QIBA 致力于通过使放射学成为一门更加定量的科学来改变患者护理。
  • 2019 年——美国国家癌症研究所前所长 Andrew C. von Eschenbach 医学博士,因其设计、实施和管理了该研究所历史上规模最大、最昂贵的临床试验——国家肺筛查试验 (NLST)。
  • 2018 年——美国司法部莎伦·Y·尤班克斯 (Sharon Y. Eubanks),因其在具有里程碑意义的针对烟草巨头的敲诈勒索案审判中担任司法部首席检察官而获奖,该案出乎意料地最终由政府胜诉。
  • 2017 年——已故 COPD 基金会总裁兼首席执行官、Alpha One 基金会总裁兼创始人约翰·沃尔什 (John Walsh)。
  • 2016 年——肺癌联盟总裁兼首席执行官劳里·芬顿·安布罗斯 (Laurie Fenton Ambrose),她致力于指导患者权益团体成功获得医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心 (CMS) 的肺癌筛查覆盖。
  • 2015 年 – 西奈山医学中心医学博士、医学博士 Claudia Henschke 成为使用低剂量螺旋 CT 筛查肺癌的先驱。
  • 2014 年 – CVS 健康奖,CVS 首席医疗官医学博士 Nancy Gagliano 接受该奖项,以表彰该公司停止在其商店销售烟草产品的大胆决定。
  • 2013 (Inaugural year of the Award) – Cheryl G. Healton, DrPH, President and CEO, Legacy Foundation and Dean of the College of Public Health at New York University, in recognition of over 25 years of tireless work in public health, specifically on tobacco control.

This year’s workshop will take place November 4-5 as a virtual event, with the award ceremony happening on November 4. Registration is closed, but those interested can view a recording of the award ceremony on November 5. 

有关定量成像研讨会和奖项的更多信息,请访问 预防癌症基金会网站.



预防癌症基金会® is celebrating 35 years as the only U.S. nonprofit organization focused solely on saving lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection. Through research, education, outreach and advocacy, we have helped countless people avoid a cancer diagnosis or detect their cancer early enough to be successfully treated. 

The Foundation is rising to meet the challenge of reducing cancer deaths by 40% by 2035. To achieve this, we are committed to investing $20 million for innovative technologies to detect cancer early and advance multi-cancer screening, $10 million to expand cancer screening and vaccination access to medically underserved communities, and $10 million to educate the public about screening and vaccination options. For more information, please visit