Prevent Cancer Foundation announces six fellowships to accelerate innovations in cancer prevention and early detection

Prevent Cancer Foundation



Alexandria, Va. – The Prevent Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce six jointly funded technical transfer fellowships with the 国际抗癌联盟 (UICC). The training fellowships facilitate the international exchange of cancer control information, allowing health care professionals from around the world to learn new techniques and skills in the early detection and treatment of cancer at top research and cancer institutes. The majority of awarded fellows come from low- and middle-income countries.

Since 2015, the Prevent Cancer Foundation has partnered with UICC to support over 65 technical transfer fellowships. The UICC fellowships are supported by the FitzGerald family.

Obinna Orakew Federal Medical Center Asaba, Nigeria

Obinna Orakew 

Federal Medical Center Asaba, Nigeria

Title of fellowship: Early diagnosis and minimally invasive surgery for lung cancer

Host institution: University of Chicago, Illinois, United States

Ndeye Aissatou Bagayogo Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal

Ndeye Aissatou Bagayogo 

Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal

Title of fellowship: Ultrasound-guided interventions in Senegal: focus on detecting kidney cancer

Host institution: Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada

Innocent Ransir Tapouli Pasteur Center of Cameroon, Cameroon

Innocent Ransir Tapouli 

Pasteur Center of Cameroon, Cameroon

Title of fellowship: Early diagnosis and prevention of blood cancers through immunophenotyping

Host institution: Marseille University Hospital Timone, Marseille, France

Jorge Basiletti National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Service, Argentina

Jorge Basiletti 

National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Service, Argentina

Title of fellowship: Impact of vaccination of HPV in Argentina: Real-world experience 10 years after

Host institution: Karolinska Institute, Solna, Sweden

Ndeye Khady Diagne National Hospital Center, Dalal Jamm, Senegal

Ndeye Khady Diagne 

National Hospital Center, Dalal Jamm, Senegal

Title of fellowship: Implementation of molecular biology for the early diagnosis of hematologic disorders

Host institution: Regional University Hospital Center, Tours, France

Vincent Nibirantije Kamenge University Hospital, Burundi

Vincent Nibirantije 

Kamenge University Hospital, Burundi

Title of fellowship: Fellowship in cervical cancer prevention and early diagnosis

Host institution: Hospital General of Grand Yoff, Dakar, Senegal

Learn more about technical fellowships and the Foundation’s global impact.



预防癌症基金会® is the only U.S.-based nonprofit organization solely dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection. Through research, education, outreach and advocacy, we have helped countless people avoid a cancer diagnosis or detect their cancer early enough to be successfully treated. We are driven by a vision of a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all.

基金会正奋起应对到 2035 年将癌症死亡人数减少 40% 的挑战。为实现这一目标,我们承诺投资 $2000 万美元用于创新技术,以早期发现癌症并推进多癌筛查,投资 $1000 万美元用于扩大医疗服务不足社区的癌症筛查和疫苗接种机会,并投资 $1000 万美元用于教育公众有关筛查和疫苗接种的选择。
