First Lady Jill Biden celebrates Prevent Cancer Foundation’s bipartisan Congressional Families Program working to advance cancer prevention and early detection




华盛顿特区 - As part of the Biden Administration’s Cancer Moonshot, First Lady Jill Biden joined the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program® reception on Wednesday, April 19 in showcasing bipartisan support for cancer prevention and early detection. The event, which took place at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., attracted a bipartisan, bicameral audience of members of Congress and their spouses, as well as leaders in the cancer prevention community, to recognize congressional spouses’ longstanding commitment to educating the public about ways to reduce cancer risk and the benefits of early detection, which leads to better outcomes.

First Lady Jill Biden was joined by 众议员 Nikema Williams (D-Ga.) and a panel of congressional spouses who spoke of their participation in the Congressional Families Program and their work to raise awareness in their home states and districts. Participating spouses included:

  • Charlie Capito, spouse of Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) 
  • 玛莎·希尔, spouse of Rep. French Hill (R-Ark.) 
  • 玛丽·希姆斯, spouse of Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) 
  • 李安约翰逊, spouse of Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio)

“Cancer touches us all. It’s not a red or a blue issue. It’s a human one and it takes all of us to stop it,” said First Lady Jill Biden in her remarks during the program. “That’s why this event and this organization matter so much. We can collaborate, share good ideas and best practices. Together, we can get people the information they need to prevent cancer before it happens, and catch it early if it does.”

The event also recognized Representative Doris Matsui (D-Calif.), who was honored with the inaugural Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé Visionary Award for her leadership in creating the Congressional Families Program in 1991 as a partnership between the Congressional Club, which she led as a congressional spouse at the time, and the Prevent Cancer Foundation founded by Ms. Aldigé.

“More than 30 years ago, Doris Matsui and Bo Aldigé recognized the great potential and value in bringing congressional spouses together—who are powerhouses in their own right—to share vital prevention and early detection information in their home districts and states,” said 莉萨·麦戈文, Executive Director of the Congressional Families Program. “We applaud the Biden Cancer Moonshot for its bipartisan work, using the most visible platform in the nation to prioritize prevention. Cancer does not care what party you support and neither do we. It takes all of us working together to beat this formidable foe.” 


About the Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program®

国会家庭癌症预防计划® is a nonpartisan initiative to increase the public’s understanding of cancer prevention and early detection. Families of Senate, House, Cabinet and Supreme Court members are invited to work within their respective constituencies—and nationwide—to raise awareness and reduce risk for these diseases.

国会家庭计划于 1991 年由预防癌症基金会和国会俱乐部合作发起,最初致力于研究乳腺癌。 The Program’s first five years’ success led to the expansion of its scope to include colorectal, liver, lung, oral, prostate, skin, testicular and cervical cancers, and HPV-related cancers. The Program offers participants educational seminars, talking points, op-eds, letters to the editor, speeches, videos, program ideas and many more tools to use in their districts and beyond. With these tools, the Congressional Families Program takes the message of cancer prevention and early detection into communities across the U.S.



预防癌症基金会® 唯一的美国-基于 非盈利机构 独自 投入的 癌症 预防和早期 检测. 通过研究、教育、 外展 和倡导, 我们已经帮助无数人避免癌症诊断或及早发现癌症并得到成功治疗。 我们受到 一个可以预防癌症的世界的愿景, 可检测 并且可击败 对全部 

基金会正努力应对到 2035 年减少 40% 癌症死亡人数的挑战。为了实现这一目标, 我们是 承诺投资 $2000 万美元用于创新技术,以尽早发现癌症并推进 多-癌症筛查,$1000万美元用于扩大癌症筛查和疫苗接种覆盖面 医学上 服务不足的社区,并投入 $10 万美元用于教育公众了解筛查和疫苗接种选择。
