2023 年早期检测调查
The Prevent Cancer Foundation’s annual Early Detection Survey asks U.S. adults ages 21 and older about their knowledge and behaviors around routine cancer screening.1 Conducted in January 2023, this survey shows that 65% of survey respondents are not up to date on at least one of their routine cancer screenings.2
Here’s the good news: When people learn about the importance of early detection, it has a significant impact on motivating them to get screened.3 After reading information regarding cancer screening and which cancer screenings they need, 72% of people said they were more likely to schedule their next routine cancer screening.
有什么新消息?您可以在此处查看 2024 年早期检测调查。
1 预防癌症基金会委托 Atomik Research 对 2,014 名 21 岁及以上的美国人进行在线调查。误差幅度为 +/- 2 个百分点,置信区间为 95%。实地调查于 2023 年 1 月 7 日至 1 月 11 日进行。Atomik Research 是一家独立的市场研究机构。
2 本次调查研究的癌症筛查包括乳腺癌、宫颈癌、结直肠癌、口腔癌、肺癌、前列腺癌、皮肤癌和睾丸癌。
3 癌症早期发现可增加您获得更成功治疗的机会。您可能还需要更少的广泛治疗或拥有更多的治疗选择。许多类型癌症的五年生存率在早期发现时几乎为 90%。