We thank you for your interest in working at Prevent Cancer Foundation. There are currently no open staff positions.
Prevent Cancer Foundation Internships!
At the Prevent Cancer Foundation, we dare to imagine a world where no one dies of cancer. Do you dare to imagine with us? We invite students interested in gaining experience in the nonprofit and public health sectors to join us for a summer internship. Interns can support various assignments, including content creation, research, writing, and public health policy & advocacy projects. Internships provide the opportunity to participate in activities tied to the mission of the Foundation, expand networks, and develop useful professional skills.
To express interest and find out if we have any current opportunities, please include “Internship” in the subject line & inquire at jobs@preventcancer.org.
预防癌症基金会® 是美国唯一一家专注于通过预防和早期检测帮助人们战胜癌症的非营利组织。通过研究、教育、推广和宣传,我们帮助无数人避免被诊断出癌症或及早发现癌症,以便成功治疗。
基金会正奋起应对到 2035 年将癌症死亡人数减少 40% 的挑战。为实现这一目标,我们承诺投资 $2000 万美元用于创新技术,以早期发现癌症并推进多癌筛查,投资 $1000 万美元用于扩大医疗服务不足社区的癌症筛查和疫苗接种机会,并投资 $1000 万美元用于教育公众有关筛查和疫苗接种的选择。
研究表明,如果女性和有色人种不满足 100% 的工作要求,他们可能会放弃机会。我们鼓励那些认为自己具备在预防癌症基金会发展所需的技能的人申请这些职位。