Young man taking a selfie of his family, including a child and seniors.

تشخیص زودهنگام = نتایج بهتر

تاریخچه خانوادگی خود را بدانید

Knowing your family health history can help determine your personal cancer risk.

Most people who get cancer do not have a family history of the disease, which is one reason screening is so important—but a personal or family history of cancer or certain other diseases may increase your risk.

Family History Chart

To help determine your risk, complete this family history chart and share it with your health care provider and other family members.

  • For each blood relative, note any cancer or other chronic disease the person had and the age at which each was diagnosed.
  • Note any surgeries related to cancer and the dates of the procedures.
  • Note the date of birth and date and cause of death for any family member who is deceased.

This information will help you and your health care provider decide which cancer screenings you need, when to begin screening and how often you should be screened.

Printable PDF family history chart

آزمایش ژنتیک

Please note that the following information applies to predictive genetic testing only; this is different from tumor profiling (also known as genomic, biomarker or molecular profiling), which is done after a cancer diagnosis to determine mutations that may affect how the patient responds to certain treatments.

Genetic testing may be an option for those who want more information about their cancer risk. Predictive genetic testing is performed to look for specific changes, called mutations, in a person’s genes before they show signs of a disease.

Even if you test negative for these mutations, you could still be at risk for developing cancer, like others in the general population. Only 5%-10% of cancer cases are caused by hereditary gene mutations.

If you are adopted or estranged from your family:

اگر فرزندخوانده شده اید یا از خانواده خود بیگانه هستید، ممکن است اطلاعاتی در مورد سابقه خانوادگی خود نداشته باشید یا اصلاً اطلاع نداشته باشید. با مشاور ژنتیک یا ارائه دهنده مراقبت های بهداشتی خود در مورد هر گونه سابقه سلامت خانوادگی که از آن مطلع هستید و نژاد/قومیت خود صحبت کنید تا ببینید آیا آزمایش ژنتیک برای شما منطقی است یا خیر. همچنین در صورت فرزندخواندگی، همیشه باید به ارائه دهنده مراقبت های بهداشتی خود اطلاع دهید.

Learn more about genetic testing