Games Done Quick raises over $2.5 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation at annual gaming marathon

Games Done Quick photo by Wes “Fish” Chan

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Alexandria, Va. – After convening virtually for the last three years, the prominent gaming event Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ) made a triumphant return to an in-person format, raising more than $2.5 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation.

Games Done Quick photo by Wes “Fish” Chan

All-star gamers from around the world gathered in Pittsburgh, Pa. to speedrun—play as fast as possible—their favorite games. In addition to the 1,600 attendees joining from the Steel City, hundreds of thousands tuned in from across the U.S. and around the world to watch the “best of the best” take on their favorite games. All games were played live beginning on January 14 through the event’s conclusion in the early hours of Sunday morning, January 21.

The $2.5 million grand total was mostly comprised of small individual donations. The gaming community showed their support for cancer prevention and early detection efforts by tuning in for a combined 10,499,485 hours and donating to the Prevent Cancer Foundation, with over 36,000 separate donations made throughout the week.

Aside from its return to an in-person event, other AGDQ highlights this year included the first-ever dog to speedrun a game during the charity event. The Shiba Inu—who goes by the name Peanut Butter—completed the 1985 Nintendo Entertainment System game “Gyromite” in 26 minutes and 24 seconds. Donations poured in during Peanut Butter’s speedrun, with viewers in Pittsburgh, across the U.S. and around the world tuning in to cheer on the canine participant and raise money for cancer prevention and early detection.

Games Done Quick photo by ZanDamascus

In over a decade of supporting the Prevent Cancer Foundation, Games Done Quick has funded new research, innovative technologies, cancer prevention and early detection education and outreach, and community grants—both in the U.S. and abroad. Earlier this month, the Prevent Cancer Foundation announced the funding of four global grants—made possible by AGDQ—supporting cancer prevention and early detection projects in Mexico, Cameroon, Nigeria and Zambia.

“What a joy it was returning to an in-person AGDQ, surrounded by a group of people who have undoubtedly advanced the field of cancer prevention and early detection,” said Jody Hoyos, CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation. “The positive power of the gaming community inspires me and everyone at the Foundation year-round, but for one week in January, I am truly reminded of the impact this dedicated, creative and spirited community can have on changing the world.”

READ ALSO | AGDQ fundraising has ‘huge effect’ on cancer prevention research, doctor says

To learn more about AGDQ’s impact on the Prevent Cancer Foundation, visit


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