قائمة طعام


البقاء في طليعة السرطان من خلال الوقاية والكشف المبكر

A Black woman in her 30s or 40s is seated in a wheelbarrow. She is dressed in a jacket, jeans and scar and is laughing. The wheelbarrow is being pushed by a Black man in his 30s or 40s. He is wearing a sweater, puffer vest, scarf and khaki pants. He is looking down at the woman and smiling. The leaves in the background have turned colors indicating it's fall.

الكشف المبكر =
نتائج أفضل

حان الوقت للتحقق من صحتك. الفحص الروتيني قبل ظهور أي علامات أو أعراض للسرطان يمكن أن يعني نتائج أفضل لصحتك - وهذا يعني المزيد من خيارات العلاج، والمزيد من الأيام الصحية المقبلة، والمزيد من الوقت مع الأشخاص الذين تحبهم.

اكتشف العروض التي تحتاجها

A diverse group of young adults out on a hike. One woman is looking back at the camera with a smile. Her long dark hair is in braids and she is wearing a backpack, beanie hat and red flannel shirt.
Two white males in their 40s or 50s are seated at a cafe table. One man has his arm around the other and they are leaning into each other with foreheads touching. They are smiling and seem to be sharing an intimate moment.
A group of older multi-racial adults are seated outside in a half-circle engaged in joyful conversation. The camera is focused on a laughing Black woman who is placing her right hand across her chest and laughing.
Is hookah worse than cigarettes?

Is hookah worse than cigarettes?

While many believe hookah is less harmful than smoking cigarettes, it is not a safe alternative.

يتعلم أكثر

A group of young adults smoke hookah in a bar


شاهد المزيد