La Fundación Prevent Cancer otorga $1 millones en nuevas subvenciones para investigación

Kyra Meister
Alexandria, Va. – The Prevent Cancer Foundation® is pleased to announce new funding for ten scientists who are researching cancer prevention and early detection. Each scientist has been awarded $100,000 for two years. Areas of focus include breast, cervical, colorectal, esophageal, head and neck, oral, penile, skin (including melanoma), stomach, uterine and ovarian cancers.
Para honrar el legado del ex miembro de la junta directiva de la Fundación, Congresista Víctor “Vic” Fazio—who died of melanoma in March 2022—a $100,000 melanoma research grant was awarded for the second year.
A $100,000 grant focused on genetic testing is named in recognition of Bernard Levin, M.D., FACP, as he steps down from his role as the co-chair of the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Scientific Review Panel, to honor his leadership in cancer prevention and early detection.
Read on for more on the 2024 research grantees or access more detailed information on their projects in the researcher database.
Beneficiario: Lisa Cannon-Albright, Ph.D.
Project title: A High-Risk Pedigree Approach to Identification of Predisposition Variants
Named award: Fondo en memoria de Vic Fazio
Posición: Professor and Division Chief in the Division of Genetic Epidemiology
Institución: Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
Identification and detection of variants responsible for cancer predisposition is one of the most powerful tools for early detection, treatment and prevention of cancer; it requires unique resources and methods. This project will identify and validate multiple candidate cutaneous melanoma (CM) predisposition variants.
Beneficiario: Brian Capell, M.D., Ph.D.
Título del Proyecto: Dietary Fatty Acid Modulation for the Prevention of Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Premio nombrado: Juegos increíbles hechos rápidamente
Posición: Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Genetics
Institución: The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) are the most common cancers in the world and can frequently be deadly in the elderly and immunocompromised. This proposal aims to test a novel approach to preventing SCCs by altering the composition of fatty acids in the diet. The goal is to prevent both skin and head and neck oral SCCs.
Beneficiario: Perla Chebli, Ph.D.
Título del Proyecto: Promoting Vaccine Acceptance in Immigrant Youths and Adults
Premio nombrado: Juegos increíbles hechos rápidamente
Posición: Profesor asistente
Institución: New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York, N.Y.
The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is an effective cancer prevention strategy against cancers affecting women and men, including cervical, vaginal, anal and oropharyngeal (back of the throat) cancers. This proposal aims to increase HPV vaccination in medically underserved, minority communities at greater risk for HPV-related cancers.
Beneficiario: Jennifer Hay, Ph.D.
Título del Proyecto: Addressing Low Awareness of the Cancer Harms of Alcohol in the Population
Premio nombrado: Programa de familias del Congreso
Posición: Attending Psychologist
Institución: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y.
While most of the population drinks alcohol, most (70%) are not aware that it contributes to cancer risk. This study will address this awareness gap by determining the content needed for effective messages regarding the link cancer-alcohol link across diverse U.S. population subgroups, and then developing these novel messages to increase population awareness of the cancer harms of drinking.
Beneficiario: Minh Tung Phung, Ph.D.
Título del Proyecto: Risk-reducing Salpingectomy for Ovarian Cancer Precision Prevention
Posición: Research Investigator
Institución: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
This project will explore the viewpoints of ovarian cancer survivors and at-risk people about what level of risk warrants surgery to prevent the disease. The researchers will also develop an interactive tool (risk calculator) to identify people with high risk of ovarian cancer who should consider surgical prevention.
Beneficiario: José Alejandro Rauh-Hain, M.D.
Título del Proyecto: IGNITE-TX (Identifying Individuals for Genetic Testing & Treatment)
Premio nombrado: In honor of Bernard Levin, M.D., FACP, professor emeritus of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Posición: Associate Professor
Institución: MD Anderson, Houston, Texas
The IGNITE-TX (Identifying Individuals for Genetic Testing & Treatment) intervention supports families from medically underserved communities who are at risk for hereditary cancer. This project will increase their understanding and access to genetics services and cancer prevention.
Beneficiario: Mya Roberson, Ph.D., MSPH
Título del Proyecto: We Got Us: Promoting Cancer Family History Sharing Among Black Americans
Premio nombrado: Juegos increíbles hechos rápidamente
Posición: Profesor asistente
Institución: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, N.C.
A family history of cancer is a significant cancer risk factor, but many Black Americans are unaware of their family health history. Having a family history of cancer can affect the age at which cancer screening begins and genetic testing recommendations. In partnership with patient-led organization Touch4LifeTM This project will create culturally-relevant educational content to increase communication about a family history of cancer, as well as knowledge and awareness of genetic testing among Black families, to promote cancer prevention and early detection.
Beneficiario: Steve Skates, Ph.D. and Amy Bregar, M.D.
Título del Proyecto: Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer via Biomarker Discovery in Uterine Lavage
Premio nombrado: Juegos increíbles hechos rápidamente
Posición: Associate Professor of Medicine (Biostatistics) and Assistant Professor in Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Medicine
Institución: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
A test performed by a saltwater wash of the uterus may pick up signals of undetected ovarian cancer because of its proximity to the cancer prior to the signal appearing in the blood. A regular test analyzing a uterine wash could detect many ovarian cancers in early stages and thereby reduce death from ovarian cancer, since existing treatments are effective when the disease is detected in early stages.
Beneficiario: Matthew Stachler, M.D., Ph.D.
Título del Proyecto: Immune Determinants of Barrett’s Esophagus Progression
Premio nombrado: The Shure Family Charitable Foundation in memory of Max Shure
Posición: Assistant Professor of Pathology
Institución: University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif.
Despite a known precursor, most esophageal cancers are detected late. Using clinical samples, the researchers will determine the inflammatory differences in the precancerous state in people with Barrett’s esophagus who do and do not progress to cancer in order to develop better early detection and treatment.
Beneficiario: Sherrie Flynt Wallington, Ph.D.
Título del Proyecto: Breast Density and Me: A Pilot Educational Intervention
Premio nombrado: Marcia and Frank Carlucci Charitable Foundation
Posición: Associate Professor
Institución: The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
We urgently need to address health literacy gaps among Black women, who are more likely to be at increased risk for breast cancer and have higher breast cancer mortality rates. This study will inform Black women about their breast density and associated cancer risk and will promote follow-up visits and mammograms to save lives.
To view all past funded research grant and fellowship projects driving these key advancements in cancer prevention and early detection, explore the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Award Database.
Acerca de la Fundación Prevent Cancer®
La Fundación para Prevenir el Cáncer® es el unico estados unidos-basado organización sin ánimo de lucro solamente dedicado a cáncer prevención y temprana detección. A través de la investigación, la educación, superar a y promoción, Hemos ayudado a innumerables personas a evitar un diagnóstico de cáncer o a detectarlo lo suficientemente temprano como para poder tratarlo con éxito. Estamos impulsados por una visión de un mundo donde el cáncer sea prevenible, detectable y vencible para todos.
La Fundación está luchando para afrontar el desafío de reducir las muertes por cáncer en 40% para 2035. Para lograrlo, somos comprometido a invertir $20 millones en tecnologías innovadoras para detectar el cáncer tempranamente y avanzar multi-detección del cáncer, $10 millones para ampliar el acceso a la detección del cáncer y la vacunación médicamente comunidades desatendidas y $10 millones para educar al público sobre las opciones de detección y vacunación.
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