Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program celebrates 30 years of bipartisan cancer prevention and early detection awareness

Lisa Berry Edwards
WASHINGTON, December 14, 2021–The Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program® last week celebrated its 30th anniversary with a reception at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., featuring a toast from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to honor this unique initiative.
The event drew a bipartisan, bicameral audience of members of Congress and their spouses, as well as leaders in the cancer prevention community, to recognize the decades of bipartisan work to educate the public about early detection and cancer prevention. The Program was founded in 1991 as a partnership between the Congressional Club, led by then-congressional spouse, now Representative Doris Matsui, and the Prevent Cancer Foundation®.
“Thirty years ago, congressional spouses sought a unifying issue and service opportunity, and cancer is one issue that knows no political party,” said Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé, president and CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation. who co-founded the Program. “Today, this remains a unique program in its bipartisanship and the work being done by both congressional members and spouses to educate the public about cancer prevention and early detection.”
Highlights of the event included remarks from Congressional Families Program Executive Director Lisa McGovern, Representative Matsui y Ms. Aldigé on the history and legacy of the Program. Congressional Club President Charles Capito and Congressional Families Program Congressional Club Liaison and the 2021 Congressional Club First Lady’s Luncheon Chair Patricia Garamendi announced that First Lady’s Luncheon selected the Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program as a beneficiary of the Luncheon, which will help fund a 2022 research grant. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi offered a toast to mark the 30-year milestone.
Acerca del Programa de Prevención del Cáncer para Familias del Congreso®
El Programa de Prevención del Cáncer de Familias del Congreso® began in 1991 as a partnership between the Prevent Cancer Foundation® and The Congressional Club, a bipartisan organization of spouses of Members of the House, Senate, Cabinet and Supreme Court. Spouses active in the Program share an interest in advancing cancer prevention and early detection programs and education. For more information, visit
Acerca de la Fundación Prevent Cancer®
La Fundación para Prevenir el Cáncer® celebra 35 años como la única organización sin fines de lucro de EE. UU. centrada únicamente en salvar vidas en todas las poblaciones mediante la prevención y la detección temprana del cáncer. A través de la investigación, la educación, la divulgación y la promoción, hemos ayudado a innumerables personas a evitar un diagnóstico de cáncer o a detectarlo lo suficientemente temprano como para recibir un tratamiento exitoso.
La Fundación está avanzando para afrontar el desafío de reducir las muertes por cáncer en 40% para 2035. Para lograrlo, nos comprometemos a invertir $20 millones en tecnologías innovadoras para detectar el cáncer en forma temprana y avanzar en la detección de múltiples cánceres, $10 millones para ampliar la detección del cáncer y la vacunación. acceso a comunidades médicamente desatendidas, y $10 millones para educar al público sobre las opciones de detección y vacunación. Para mayor información por favor visite