Barry M. Berger, MD, FCAP
Director médico
Naveris, Inc.
Discover and discuss the latest advances in research, policy and program best practices in cancer prevention and early detection.
El Prevenir el diálogo sobre el cáncer brings together a diverse group of partners to discuss the latest advances in research, policy, practice and programs in cancer prevention and early detection. Experts in the field give timely and enlightening presentations on trending topics with opportunities for discussion and peer-to-peer conversations among participants. Participants take Dialogue learnings back to their communities and workplaces to enhance or expand their work.
This series of three 90-minute webinars will feature presentations from experts in the field and moderated discussions with the audience. Continuing education credit will be offered. Registration is free of charge!
Receive updates on our Prevenir el diálogo sobre el cáncer series and other learning opportunities.
Sign UpIf your organization would like to support the 2025 Prevent Cancer Dialogue, or for more information on how you can become a corporate partner of the Prevent Cancer Foundation, please contact Jennifer Niyangoda at 703-837-3684 or Jennifer.Niyangoda@preventcancer.org.
Director médico
Naveris, Inc.
Director de programa, Programa de investigación del comportamiento
Instituto Nacional del Cáncer
Director ejecutivo
Fundación Americana del Cáncer Indio
Investigador distinguido, Mitch Greenlick Científico designado para las disparidades en la salud
Káiser Permanente
Director clínico OBGYN
Centro de salud comunitario de Dimock
Jefe, Subdivisión de Control Integral del Cáncer
Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades
Director Ejecutivo, Profesor de Oncología Global, Profesor de Oncología Ginecológica
Centro Oncológico MD Anderson
Presidente, Medicina Familiar y Salud Comunitaria
Universidad de Pennsylvania