Statement from Prevent Cancer Foundation in support of President & Dr. Biden’s Cancer Moonshot

President Joe Biden

Kyra Meister

Alexandria, Va. – The Prevent Cancer Foundation® applauds President and Dr. Biden’s decision to reignite the Cancer Moonshot. Their ambitious goals to reduce the death rate from cancer by at least 50% over the next 25 years, improve the experience of people and their families living with and surviving cancer and ultimately “end cancer as we know it” offers an extensive opportunity to make progress in preventing cancer, detecting it early and drastically decreasing the number of lives lost to cancer every year.

The Foundation strongly supports President Biden’s call to action for cancer screenings to be available across all populations to prevent cancer or diagnose it sooner, jumpstarting progress on the more than 9.5 million screenings that were cancelled or postponed in the United States as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. A specific call to action on cancer screening and early detection will be instrumental in achieving the goals laid out in the president’s new Cancer Moonshot.

“We are grateful President Biden has made prevention a priority within his Cancer Moonshot mission and look forward to continuing our work to support this important initiative,” said Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Founder and CEO Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé. “Routine cancer screening detects cancer early—even if you have no signs or symptoms—and increases the likelihood your treatment will be successful. That is why in 2020 we launched De vuelta a los libros, a multi-year education campaign to encourage everyone to get their missed or postponed appointments rescheduled. It will take everyone working together to increase cancer screening rates and achieve the Cancer Moonshot goals.”

Other recently announced Moonshot initiatives include addressing inequities, utilizing personalized medicine, speeding progress against the most deadly and rare cancers, supporting patients, caregivers and survivors and learning from all patients.

The passage of the Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act will be another necessary step toward achieving the objectives of the renewed Cancer Moonshot. Last year, the Prevent Cancer Foundation led more than 300 patient advocacy organizations in calling on Congress to prioritize this legislation, which would create a pathway for seniors’ access to multi-cancer screening tests once they are approved by the FDA. We appreciate President Biden’s commitment of tasking federal agencies to study and evaluate multi-cancer early detection tests and we encourage Congress to act on this important legislation.

The Prevent Cancer Foundation is proud to stand with President Biden, Dr. Biden and Vice President Harris on the Cancer Moonshot to accelerate the rate of progress against cancer.



Acerca de la Fundación Prevent Cancer®

La Fundación para Prevenir el Cáncer® is the only U.S. nonprofit organization focused solely on saving lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection.  Through research, education, outreach and advocacy, we have helped countless people avoid a cancer diagnosis or detect their cancer early enough to be successfully treated.

La Fundación está avanzando para afrontar el desafío de reducir las muertes por cáncer en 40% para 2035. Para lograrlo, nos comprometemos a invertir $20 millones en tecnologías innovadoras para detectar el cáncer tempranamente y avanzar en la detección de múltiples cánceres, $10 millones para ampliar la detección del cáncer y la vacunación. acceso a comunidades médicamente desatendidas, y $10 millones para educar al público sobre las opciones de detección y vacunación.

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