Dr. Daniel Sullivan honored for leadership in quantitative imaging biomarkers
MEDIA CONTACT: Lisa Berry Edwards
Alexandria, VA—The Prevent Cancer Foundation today honored Daniel C. Sullivan, M.D. with the James L. Mulshine, M.D. Leadership Award for his work in founding and chairing the Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA). QIBA is committed to transforming patient care by making radiology a more quantitative science.
As part of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), QIBA is the leading international organization working to standardize the use of imaging biomarkers in research and clinical practice across 28 different imaging platforms. The goal is to develop comprehensive quality measures to reduce measurement differences between various hardware and software components used in quantitative medical imaging. Standardizing the performance steps for all professional groups involved in using imaging to measure disease progression is critical to ensuring the reliability of quantitative imaging methods in clinical decision making.
“QIBA is a remarkable international organization working to integrate emerging advanced medical imaging into useful tools to advance care for all,” said Dr. Jim Mulshine, Scientific Director of the Prevent Cancer Foundation, for whom the award is named. “Thanks to his sustained and gracious efforts in nurturing the development of QIBA, as well as his leadership efforts in imaging development at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Sullivan is broadly acknowledged as making extraordinary contributions to medical innovation.”
Dr. Sullivan has both clinical and research expertise in nuclear medicine and oncologic imaging, with a focus on improving the use of imaging as a biomarker in clinical trials and clinical practice.
He completed his radiology residency and nuclear medicine fellowship in 1977 at Yale New Haven Hospital. Dr. Sullivan has held faculty appointments at Yale University Medical Center, Duke University Medical Center, and University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. He joined the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1997. At NCI, from 1997 to 2007, Dr. Sullivan served as associate director in the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis and the head of the Cancer Imaging Program (CIP).
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ለበለጠ መረጃ፣ እባክዎን ይጎብኙ www.preventcancer.org.