

Prevent Cancer Dialogue: Prevention, Screening, Action


የካንሰር ውይይትን መከላከል

Discover and discuss the latest advances in research, policy and program best practices in cancer prevention and early detection.

2025 Prevent Cancer Dialogue Virtual Series

This series of three 90-minute webinars will feature presentations from experts in the field and moderated discussions with the audience. Continuing education credits (CE) will be offered! Registration is free of charge!

  • April 2, 2025: Updates on young-onset cancers: What to know and public health implications
  • June 4, 2025: Diversifying clinical trial participation: Pathways from screenings to trials
  • October 8, 2025: Molecular residual disease (MRD): Exploring the impact of cancer early detection and personalized care

የበለጠ ይወቁ እና ይመዝገቡ


የካንሰር ውይይትን መከላከል brings together a diverse group of partners to discuss the latest advances in research, policy, practice and programs in cancer prevention and early detection. Experts in the field give timely and enlightening presentations on trending topics with opportunities for discussion and peer-to-peer conversations among participants. Participants take Dialogue learnings back to their communities and workplaces to enhance or expand their work.

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Sign Up

Special thank you to the 2025 Dialogue supporters!

If your organization  would like to support the 2025 Prevent Cancer Dialogue, or for more information on how you can become a corporate partner of the Prevent Cancer Foundation, please contact Jennifer Niyangoda at 703-837-3684 or Jennifer.Niyangoda@preventcancer.org.



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ውይይት 2023 ድምቀት

በ2023 ከዶክተር ሮበርት ዊን ጋር በተደረገው ውይይት፣ በካንሰር ምርመራ ላይ የጤና ልዩነቶችን ለመቀነስ በማህበረሰብ ላይ ያተኮረ አካሄድ ስላለው ጠቀሜታ በመወያየት አንድ ድምቀት ይመልከቱ።