የሙያ እድሎች
ማንም ሰው በካንሰር የማይሞትበትን ዓለም ለማሰብ እንደፍራለን። ከእኛ ጋር ለመገመት ይደፍራሉ?
መከላከል ካንሰር ፋውንዴሽን® ሰዎችን በመከላከል እና አስቀድሞ በመለየት ከካንሰር ቀድመው እንዲቆዩ በማበረታታት ላይ ያተኮረ ብቸኛው የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ለትርፍ ያልተቋቋመ ድርጅት ነው። በምርምር፣ ትምህርት፣ ተደራሽነት እና ድጋፍ፣ ስፍር ቁጥር የሌላቸው ሰዎች የካንሰርን ምርመራ እንዲያስወግዱ ወይም ካንሰርን በተሳካ ሁኔታ እንዲታከሙ ቀድመን እንዲያውቁ ረድተናል።
ፋውንዴሽኑ በ2035 የካንሰር ሞትን በ401ቲፒ3ቲ በመቀነስ ላይ ያለውን ፈተና ለመቋቋም $20 ሚሊዮን ለፈጠራ ቴክኖሎጂዎች በማፍሰስ ካንሰርን ቀድመን በመለየት የብዝሃ ካንሰር ምርመራን ለማስፋፋት $10 ሚሊዮን የካንሰር ምርመራና ክትባቱን ለማስፋፋት ቁርጠኛ ነው። በህክምና ያልተጠበቁ ማህበረሰቦችን ማግኘት፣ እና $10 ሚሊዮን ስለማጣሪያ እና የክትባት አማራጮች ህዝቡን ለማስተማር።
ጥናቶች እንደሚያመለክቱት ሴቶች እና ቀለም ያላቸው ሰዎች ከስራ መስፈርቶቹ 100% ካላሟሉ እድሎች እራሳቸውን ሊመርጡ ይችላሉ። በ Prevent Cancer Foundation ለመበልጸግ አስፈላጊው ችሎታ እንዳላቸው የሚያምኑ ሰዎች ለእነዚህ የስራ መደቦች እንዲያመለክቱ እናበረታታለን።
በ Prevent Cancer Foundation ውስጥ ለመስራት ፍላጎት ስላሳዩ እናመሰግናለን። እባኮትን ካንሰር መከላከል የሚቻልበት፣ የሚታወቅ እና ለሁሉም የሚደበድድበት አለም ላይ ለመስራት እንድትተባበሩን ለአሁኑ ክፍት ቦታዎች ከታች ይመልከቱ።
ሲኒየር ዳይሬክተር, ካንሰር መከላከል እና ቀደም ማወቂያ
ሲኒየር ዳይሬክተር, ካንሰር መከላከል እና ቀደም ማወቂያ
SUPERVISED BY: ማኔጂንግ ዳይሬክተር, ምርምር, ትምህርት እና ስምሪት
The Senior Director, Cancer Prevention and Early Detection works to accomplish the mission of the Foundation by ensuring the development of quality programs, communications and educational resources that advance cancer prevention and early detection and address health equity/health disparities. The team member functions as a spokesperson, thought leader, strategist, contributor to ‘telling the story’ of the Foundation, manager providing oversight and direction to direct reports, internal subject matter expert of the Foundation and a member of the management team.
- The Senior Director, Cancer Prevention and Early Detection works to accomplish the mission of the Foundation through its programs and projects. The Senior Director works to enhance the Foundation’s stature and visibility in the cancer community and in the eyes of the public. As part of the management team, the Senior Director helps to ensure smooth operation of the Foundation and to chart its future. The scope of work covers these functions:
- Provides leadership and strategic direction for the focus areas of the Foundation based on trends in cancer prevention and early detection.
- Remains current on research, analysis, guidelines and trends related to cancer prevention and early detection and regularly updates management team and Foundation staff on emerging data and findings.
- Ensures the quality, accuracy, evidence-base, currency, coherence and social/cultural appropriateness of Foundation content, including educational materials, resources, campaigns and communications.
- Assists in the development and design of program agenda/content/speakers for Prevent Cancer Dialogue, an annual signature program of the Foundation.
- Represents the Foundation at conferences and with partners, to the media, to government, scientists and other stakeholders on broad range of priorities including but not limited to breast, cervical, colorectal, prostate and lung cancer prevention and early detection.
- Establishes and maintains collaborations with national and international organizations that have a shared mission in cancer prevention and early detection.
- Serves as a go-to spokesperson for the Foundation, providing interviews for print, radio or broadcast media as needed, sometimes with quick turnaround times. Also appears in Foundation social media and content.
- Enhances the stature of the Foundation by serving on advisory groups of national cancer organizations (e.g., various National Cancer Roundtables, Workgroups, National HPV Vaccination Roundtable).
- Develops new relationships and maintains or enhances existing relationships with key individuals and organizations.
- Gathers input from internal stakeholders and external partners, including evolving data on risk reduction/risk assessment, emerging innovations related to early detection and ongoing research in cancer prevention and early detection.
- Oversees the strategic direction, purpose and membership of the Medical Advisory Board. This group offers expertise on scientific developments within the field of cancer prevention and early detection and offers guidance on how to align Foundation initiatives to help make the most impact.
- Ensures good stewardship of Division budget and resources, leveraging them where possible for maximum return.
- Works in conjunction with Development to support creation of grant proposals aimed at cancer prevention and early detection programs.
- Assists in the development and execution of ongoing data collection and evaluation plans and strategies.
ትምህርት፡- Advanced degree in social sciences or public health with in-depth knowledge of health education and disease prevention/health promotion. Strong knowledge of cancer screening and prevention. Nursing degree a plus.
Experience: At least ten years’ progressive management experience, including management of projects, budgets and other resources in non-profit health organizations, with demonstrated achievement in public health settings; solid professional experience in program design and development, implementation, evaluation and public speaking. Desired experience with staff management or team leadership.
Special Skills: Excellent leadership skills, superior written, oral and interpersonal communication skills; solid grasp of research, theory and practice in cancer prevention and early detection; skilled negotiator.
Supervises: ከፍተኛ ሥራ አስኪያጅ, የማህበረሰብ ትምህርት እና የኮንፈረንስ እቅድ
Supervised by: ማኔጂንግ ዳይሬክተር, ምርምር, ትምህርት እና ስምሪት
የደመወዝ ክልል
Starting at $105,000 (commensurate with experience). Please share your salary requirements in the cover letter.
ይህ በቢሮ ውስጥ 3 ቀናት ያለው ድብልቅ እድል ነው። ሥራ በዲኤምቪ አካባቢ መከናወን አለበት.
Work is performed in an office environment and requires the ability to operate standard office equipment and keyboards. Must have the ability to lift and small carry parcels, packages and other items, to walk short distances. The employee may occasionally be required to lift and/or move up to 50 lbs.
Only interested candidates who are seriously considering this role should send resume with a cover letter describing your interest and qualifications to jobs@preventcancer.org.
Emails should include “Senior Director, Cancer Prevention and Early Detection” in the subject line.
Manager, Special Events
DEPARTMENT: Development
REPORTS TO: Senior Director, Special Events
RANGE: $60,000-$65,000
The Prevent Cancer Foundation is seeking a Manager of Special Events who will work collaboratively with the Senior Director of Special Events and Major Gifts on all Foundation special events including the annual Gala. The Manager will also serve as a liaison to third parties who are interested in hosting a beneficiary campaign or event for the Foundation.
- Assist Senior Director of Special Events in coordinating all aspects of the Foundation’s special events including but not limited to managing timelines, guest lists and coordinating marketing content as well as creating progress reports for each event.
- Manage all aspects of gala volunteer coordination, including but not limited to, staffing, recruitment, supervision, training and acknowledgement.
- Manage the gala silent auction, including soliciting items, maintaining the master list, creating write ups, uploading items on the silent auction website and printing the silent auction catalogue and day of materials.
- Serve as liaison to third parties interested in hosting a beneficiary campaign/event and steward ongoing beneficiary relationships.
- Manage prospect development and procurement of new beneficiary event partners.
- Create and maintain content on third party event microsites to ensure accurate information is reflected.
- Coordinate Awesome Games Done Quick deliverables such as videos and support the Foundation’s presence at the event.
- Manage event coordination/logistics for the Advocacy Workshop and other ad hoc advocacy events like hill days and industry roundtables.
- Assist with the creation of event budgets.
- Assist with the submission of sponsorship requests for events.
- Assist Senior Director of Special Events with Major Gifts related tasks and ad hoc events.
- Assist with the logistics and running of Board of Directors meetings under the director of the Chief Operating Officer
- Bachelor’s degree preferred or equivalent combination of education and experience.
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in event management preferred
- Word, Excel, Outlook required, CRM software (Raiser’s Edge) preferred.
- Meticulous attention to detail and accuracy; excellent oral and written communication.
- Possess the ability to manage and prioritize multiple tasks simultaneously and problem solve quickly in a deadline driven environment.
- Experience working on large-scale events.
- Excellent interpersonal skills – ability to work well with staff, volunteers and other internal departments.
- Comfortable engaging with high-profile guests, speakers and participants in a professional manner.
ይህንን ሚና በቁም ነገር የሚያዩ ፍላጎት ያላቸው እጩዎች ብቻ የእርስዎን ፍላጎት እና መመዘኛዎች የሚገልጽ ከደብዳቤ ደብዳቤ ጋር መላክ አለባቸው jobs@preventcancer.org. Emails should include “Manager, Special Events” in the subject line.
This position will directly report to the Senior Director of Special Events and Major Gifts.
This is a hybrid opportunity with 3 days in the office. Work must be performed in the DMV area. Work is performed in an office environment and requires the ability to operate standard office equipment and keyboards. Must have the ability to lift and carry small parcels, packages and other items and to walk short distances. The employee may occasionally be required to lift and/or move up to 50 lbs.