

መከላከል የካንሰር ፋውንዴሽን ጆዲ ሆዮስን እንደ ፕሬዝዳንት እና ዋና ኦፕሬሽን ኦፊሰር አስታውቋል

Jody Hoyos

Jody Hoyosለፈጣን መልቀቅ
እውቂያ: ሊዛ ቤሪ ኤድዋርድስ

Alexandria, Va.— The Prevent Cancer Foundation®, the only U.S.-based nonprofit organization solely dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection, announces the promotion of Jody Hoyos to president and chief operating officer (COO). As president and COO, Ms. Hoyos will lead the Foundation into a new and exciting phase with a focus on meeting the challenge of reducing cancer deaths by 40% by 2035. Founder Carolyn Aldigé will continue to serve as CEO.

“Jody has spent the last two years at the Foundation cultivating a culture of philanthropy and creativity, leading the charge to set bold goals that are guiding the Foundation’s work. The decision to name her as president and COO was an easy one,” Aldigé said. “In December we celebrated 35 years of progress in cancer prevention and early detection, and I am delighted to have Jody join me at the helm of our organization as we look toward our 50th anniversary and what we can accomplish together in the next 15 years.”

Ms. Hoyos joined the Foundation in 2018 as senior vice president. Prior to her time at the Foundation, Ms. Hoyos was vice president of operations and membership services at the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). She has worked at BearingPoint (formerly KPMG Consulting), Arthur Andersen, Georgetown University Hospital and The Advisory Board Company.

“My time at the Prevent Cancer Foundation has been a privilege, and I’m excited about the opportunity to continue serving the Foundation’s mission,” Hoyos said. “I look forward to working with our passionate, committed team as we dare to imagine a world where no one dies of cancer.”

ስለ ካንሰር መከላከል ፋውንዴሽን®

የካንሰር መከላከያ ፋውንዴሽን® የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ብቸኛው ለትርፍ ያልተቋቋመ ድርጅት ካንሰርን በመከላከል እና አስቀድሞ በመለየት ህይወቶችን በማዳን ላይ ብቻ ያተኮረ 35 ዓመታትን እያከበረ ነው። በምርምር፣ ትምህርት፣ ተደራሽነት እና ድጋፍ፣ ስፍር ቁጥር የሌላቸው ሰዎች የካንሰርን ምርመራ እንዲያስወግዱ ወይም ካንሰርን በተሳካ ሁኔታ እንዲታከሙ ቀድመን እንዲያውቁ ረድተናል።

ፋውንዴሽኑ በ2035 የካንሰር ሞትን በ401ቲፒ3ቲ በመቀነስ ላይ ያለውን ፈተና ለመቋቋም $20 ሚሊዮን ለፈጠራ ቴክኖሎጂዎች በማፍሰስ ካንሰርን ቀድመን በመለየት የብዝሃ ካንሰር ምርመራን ለማስፋፋት $10 ሚሊዮን የካንሰር ምርመራና ክትባቱን ለማስፋፋት ቁርጠኛ ነው። በህክምና ያልተጠበቁ ማህበረሰቦችን ማግኘት፣ እና $10 ሚሊዮን ስለማጣሪያ እና የክትባት አማራጮች ህዝቡን ለማስተማር።

ለበለጠ መረጃ፣ እባክዎን ይጎብኙ www.preventcancer.org.