Bước vào kỷ nguyên đổi mới mới, Quỹ Phòng chống Ung thư công bố sứ mệnh và tầm nhìn được hồi sinh

Kyra Meister
Alexandria, Va. – In 1985, Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé embarked on a mission. Compelled by the memory of her late father, she founded the Prevent Cancer Foundation with the hope of sparing others from the pain and suffering caused by cancer. Today, under the leadership of CEO Jody Hoyos, the Prevent Cancer Foundation announces a revitalized mission and vision to provide a framework for the Foundation’s next 37 years.
The cancer landscape has changed dramatically in recent years. As the Prevent Cancer Foundation ushers in a new era of innovation in cancer prevention and early detection, these new statements serve an overarching purpose: to have a long-lasting impact on cancer prevention and screening in order to improve people’s lives in communities around the world.
Our Mission:
Empowering people to stay ahead of cancer through prevention and early detection
Our Vision:
A world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all
Through these reimagined statements, The Foundation is emphasizing prevention and early detection as part of a whole-person approach to health, while remaining relentless in the pursuit of health equity and access to care for medically underserved populations. To stay a step ahead of cancer, the Foundation is recommitting to its advocacy and education on preventive behaviors, screening and early detection.
“Our new mission and vision statements more clearly align with what the Prevent Cancer Foundation has been committed to for its nearly 40-year heritage,” said Ms. Hoyos. “These statements elevate the people we serve while also providing a framework for our initiatives that emphasize prevention and early detection, not just treatment, to decrease cancer deaths and incidence rates. This is our shining beacon as we embrace boldness, partner with experts and leverage every available resource to maximize our impact and create a world where we can all win against cancer.”
For more information on the Prevent Cancer Foundation and its work, visit www.preventcancer.org.
Giới thiệu về Quỹ phòng chống ung thư®
Quỹ phòng chống ung thư® is the only U.S. nonprofit organization focused solely on empowering people to stay ahead of cancer through prevention and early detection. Through research, education, outreach and advocacy, we have helped countless people avoid a cancer diagnosis or detect their cancer early enough to be successfully treated.
Quỹ đang vươn lên để đáp ứng thách thức giảm 40% tử vong do ung thư vào năm 2035. Để đạt được điều này, chúng tôi cam kết đầu tư $20 triệu cho các công nghệ đổi mới nhằm phát hiện sớm ung thư và nâng cao sàng lọc đa ung thư, $10 triệu để mở rộng sàng lọc và tiêm chủng ung thư tiếp cận các cộng đồng chưa được chăm sóc y tế và $10 triệu để giáo dục công chúng về các lựa chọn sàng lọc và tiêm chủng.
Để biết thêm thông tin, vui lòng truy cập www.preventcancer.org.