Le Capitole arrive à Sacramento

Kyra Meister
Alexandrie, Virginie – On Wednesday, August 24, representatives of the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program will visit Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation, recipient of a $25,000 grant from the Prevent Cancer Foundation to provide breast cancer screenings & awareness for the LGBTQ+ community in Sacramento.
Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation, the largest nonprofit organization dedicated solely to breast cancer in the greater Sacramento area, will bring mobile mammograms to the LGBTQ+ community. At least 90 individuals will receive mammograms and Albie Aware plans to host a virtual live event for breast cancer awareness for the LGBTQ+ community. Sacramento County has a higher death rate due to breast cancer than the national and state averages, and the LGBTQ+ community has higher risk factors for breast cancer and less access to screenings.
Lisa McGovern, Executive Director of the Congressional Families Program, will represent the Prevent Cancer Foundation, joined by Representatives Doris Matsui (D-CA), who helped found the Program in 1991, and Jim McGovern (D-MA).
“As one of the founders of the Congressional Families Program, I am pleased to welcome Lisa and my colleague Chairman McGovern to Sacramento to call attention to the great work being done by Albie Aware to address the needs of the LGBTQ+ community,” said Rep. Matsui. “Funding from the Prevent Cancer Foundation helps support Albie Aware’s work to educate the community about breast cancer screening and link them to services. We know that the LGBTQ+ community is disproportionately impacted by breast cancer, so the work being done here is critical. We hope this visit will get more people in the door to get screened.”
The Prevent Cancer Foundation’s community grants program recently announced support of Albie Aware and nine other projects across the U.S. dedicated to increasing cancer prevention and early detection in LGBTQ+ communities. Each project was selected through a competitive grants process and awarded a one-year, $25,000 grant. The Prevent Cancer Foundation is proud to support the Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation in their work to reach this community and improve access to lifesaving screenings.
À propos de la Fondation Prévenir le Cancer®
La Fondation Prévenir le Cancer® est la seule organisation américaine à but non lucratif qui se consacre uniquement à sauver des vies dans toutes les populations grâce à la prévention du cancer et à la détection précoce. Grâce à la recherche, à l’éducation, à la sensibilisation et au plaidoyer, nous avons aidé d’innombrables personnes à éviter un diagnostic de cancer ou à détecter leur cancer suffisamment tôt pour être traité avec succès.
La Fondation se mobilise pour relever le défi de réduire les décès par cancer de 40% d'ici 2035. Pour y parvenir, nous nous engageons à investir $20 millions dans des technologies innovantes pour détecter le cancer à un stade précoce et faire progresser le dépistage multi-cancer, $10 millions pour étendre le dépistage du cancer et la vaccination. l'accès à des communautés médicalement mal desservies et $10 millions pour informer le public sur les options de dépistage et de vaccination.
Pour plus d'informations, s'il vous plaît visitez www.preventcancer.org.
À propos du programme de prévention du cancer des familles du Congrès®
Le programme de prévention du cancer des familles du Congrès® is a nonpartisan effort to increase the public’s understanding of cancer prevention and early detection. Families of Senate, House, Cabinet, Supreme Court and the Diplomatic Corps are invited to work within their respective constituencies to educate the public. The Congressional Families Program offers educational events, materials and resources to equip its members to bring the message of cancer prevention and early detection back to their communities.
Pour plus d'informations, s'il vous plaît visitez www.congressionalfamilies.org.