Gardez une longueur d’avance sur le cancer grâce à la prévention et à la détection précoce

A white woman and man in their 50s or 60s face each other and smile. The main is holding the woman's back and slightly dipping her like in a dance. They appear to be on vacation in the spring.

Détection précoce =
De meilleurs résultats®

Il est temps de vérifier votre santé. Un dépistage de routine avant de présenter des signes ou des symptômes de cancer peut signifier de meilleurs résultats pour votre santé, ce qui signifie plus d'options de traitement, plus de journées en bonne santé à venir et plus de temps avec les personnes que vous aimez.

Découvrez les projections dont vous avez besoin

A diverse group of young adults out on a hike. One woman is looking back at the camera with a smile. Her long dark hair is in braids and she is wearing a backpack, beanie hat and red flannel shirt.
Two white males in their 40s or 50s are seated at a cafe table. One man has his arm around the other and they are leaning into each other with foreheads touching. They are smiling and seem to be sharing an intimate moment.
A group of older multi-racial adults are seated outside in a half-circle engaged in joyful conversation. The camera is focused on a laughing Black woman who is placing her right hand across her chest and laughing.
How melanoma led me to reinvent sun protection

How melanoma led me to reinvent sun protection

Jess Dunn, a melanoma survivor, recently launched a sun protective UPF clothing line called Shade. She shares her story in hopes of inspiring others to be mindful of their relationship with the sun.

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Jess Dunn holds a Shade tee shirt

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