Actor Ernie Hudson to serve as national spokesperson for Think About the Link®

About Ernie HudsonErnie Hudson portrait

Ernie Hudson is best known for his role in the 1984 cult classic, Ghostbusters; however few fans know him as two-time cancer survivor. Hudson was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1998, and with rectal cancer in 2011. In both cases, screening caught his cancer early, making treatment more effective. Hudson has always been a champion of his own health and wellness and is using his voice to amplify cancer prevention. The Prevent Cancer Foundation is proud to announce Hudson as a new spokesperson for Think About the Link,® a campaign educating people on the link between certain viruses and cancer. Hudson will be speaking out for cancer prevention as it relates to the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Hudson n'a plus de cancer et souhaite faire connaître l'importance de se faire vacciner contre le VPH pour prévenir le cancer.

« Il est important pour moi que les gens sachent que ce problème est grave, mais que la prévention est possible. En tant que double survivant du cancer, je suis fier de travailler avec la Prevent Cancer Foundation pour contribuer à sensibiliser le public au lien entre les virus et le cancer. Faire connaître le vaccin contre le VPH et sa capacité à prévenir au moins six types de cancer permet véritablement d’arrêter le cancer avant qu’il ne se déclare.

There is now a vaccine available to protect people from HPV and the six types of cancer it causes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the vaccine for all girls and boys ages 11-12, the time when the vaccine is most effective, and a catch-up option is now available for young adults. In addition to the vaccine, the Prevent Cancer Foundation® recommends women begin regular cervical cancer screening at age 21 and follow up with a Pap test every three years. Women ages 30-65 should have a Pap test combined with an HPV test every five years, or a Pap test every three years.

About Think About the Link®

Pensez au lien® focuses on three viruses that can lead to cancer: HPV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. The campaign aims to increase awareness of the link between viruses and cancer, increase immunization rates for HPV and hepatitis B, and increase awareness of and access to treatment for hepatitis C. The ultimate goal of Pensez au lien® is to prevent virally-induced cancers. Learn more at