Obinna Orakew
Home institution: Federal Medical Center Asaba, Nigeria
Title of fellowship: Early diagnosis and minimally invasive surgery for lung cancer
Host institution: University of Chicago, Illinois, United States
La Prevent Cancer Foundation® finance une série de bourses axées sur le transfert rapide de connaissances et de technologies en matière de prévention et de détection précoce du cancer. Ce programme a été initié grâce à un partenariat avec l'Union internationale contre le cancer (UICC), une organisation internationale à but non lucratif.
Bourses techniques UICC permettre aux professionnels de la santé du monde entier d'acquérir de nouvelles techniques et compétences en matière de détection précoce et de traitement du cancer dans les meilleurs instituts de recherche et de lutte contre le cancer. La majorité des boursiers récompensés proviennent de pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire. Les bourses UICC sont généreusement soutenues par la famille FitzGerald.
Home institution: Federal Medical Center Asaba, Nigeria
Title of fellowship: Early diagnosis and minimally invasive surgery for lung cancer
Host institution: University of Chicago, Illinois, United States
Home institution: Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal
Title of fellowship: Ultrasound-guided interventions in Senegal: focus on detecting kidney cancer
Host institution: Queen's University, Ontario, Canada
Home institution: Pasteur Center of Cameroon, Cameroon
Title of fellowship: Early diagnosis and prevention of blood cancers through immunophenotyping
Host institution: Marseille University Hospital Timone, Marseille, France
Home institution: National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Service, Argentina
Title of fellowship: Impact of vaccination of HPV in Argentina: Real-world experience 10 years after
Host institution: Karolinska Institute, Solna, Sweden
Home institution: National Hospital Center, Dalal Jamm, Senegal
Title of fellowship: Implementation of molecular biology for the early diagnosis of hematologic disorders
Host institution: Regional University Hospital Center, Tours, France
Home institution: Kamenge University Hospital, Burundi
Title of fellowship: Fellowship in cervical cancer prevention and early diagnosis
Host institution: Hospital General of Grand Yoff, Dakar, Senegal