Financial Statements and Policies

The mission of the Prevent Cancer Foundation® is to empower people to stay ahead of cancer through prevention and early detection.

The Prevent Cancer Foundation is the only U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization solely dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection.

Depuis 1985, la Fondation Prevent Cancer réalise sa mission en concentrant son action dans quatre domaines clés :

  • Recherche: Financer la recherche qui contribue à mieux comprendre ces maladies et nous permet de comprendre comment prévenir le cancer ou le détecter tôt, lorsque le traitement réussi est plus probable.
  • Éducation: Educating people about how they can prevent cancer or detect it early through healthy lifestyle choices, vaccinations and routine screenings.
  • Sensibilisation : Atteindre les communautés à travers des programmes qui nous permettent de financer à l'échelle nationale et d'agir localement.
  • Plaidoyer: Engaging lawmakers and regulators through education and advocacy to promote the enactment of laws and regulations that support cancer research, prevention and early detection.

We are committed to providing financial accountability and transparency to our donors, advocates, sponsors and supporters. Our sources of support include:

  • Individual giving
  • Corporate support
  • Special events
  • Pharmaceutical support

The Prevent Cancer Foundation establishes partnerships with those who share our commitment to cancer prevention and early detection, including universities and medical schools, businesses and corporations, and the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. By working together, we can imagine a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all!