Prevent Cancer Annual Gala celebrates three decades, brings in more than $2.1 million for cancer prevention and early detection

The National Building Museum decorated for the Prevent Cancer Foundation gala

Kyra Meister


Washington, D.C. – In a stunning display evoking themes of the four countries of the United Kingdom, the 30th Annual Prevent Cancer Gala welcomed nearly 1,000 guests in attendance at the National Building Museum in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, September 25. The Gala raised over $2.1 million for cancer prevention and early detection.

Paying tribute to the United Kingdom and their commitment to ending cancer, this year’s theme, An Indispensable Friendship, honored The British Ambassador, Her Excellency Dame Karen Pierce DCMG and Sir Charles Roxburgh KCB. Since 1994, the Prevent Cancer Gala has honored a country that shares the vision of a world where cancer is preventable, detectable and beatable for all. With a menu curated by Michelin-starred Chef Aaron Silverman and decor designed by celebrations expert and Foundation board member David Tutera, guests were transported “across the pond” for an evening of celebration.

Proceeds from the Gala will support the Foundation’s programs, including research grants and fellowships and community grants. Funds will also support the Foundation’s public education campaigns, including “Early Detection = Better Outcomes,” launched in 2023 to educate U.S. adults on the routine cancer screenings they need and encourage them to schedule appointments, and “Too Young for This Sh*t,” which increases awareness of the alarming rise of colorectal cancer in younger adults.

Other highlights of the evening included cancer survivor, Foundation board member and FOX News Channels’ chief national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin as master of ceremonies and remarks from the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Founder Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé and CEO Jody Hoyos. “The Gala not only provides support and resources to further our mission throughout the year—it allows us to come together as a community to reignite our passion for prevention, our dedication to early detection and our hope for a future without cancer,” shared Hoyos in her opening remarks.

Renowned musical artist from the Czech Republic Michal David also premiered a beautiful musical tribute to his daughter who died of cancer. Along with family members and business associates, David traveled to the nation’s capital from Prague to debut the new song. He will donate all proceeds from the song to the Foundation.

The annual Lighting the Way to Prevention drive raised more than $160,000 and was led by auctioneers Tim Kavanagh, a colorectal cancer survivor and longtime friend of the Foundation, and Representative Aaron Bean.

The Foundation also recognized two Cancer Champions for their significant contributions in cancer prevention and other cancer-related issues. Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Representative Anna Eshoo of Connecticut were honored during the program to recognize their significant contributions and longstanding support of legislation for cancer research, prevention, detection and treatment.

From L to R: Prevent Cancer Foundation board member and Gala co-chair Susanna Quinn, Foundation board member, Gala co-chair and master of ceremonies Jennifer Griffin, 2024 Cancer Champion recipient Rep. Anna Eshoo, Foundation board member and Gala co-chair Jason Van Pelt, Foundation founder Carolyn "Bo" Aldigé, and Gala co-chair Ted Okon.
From L to R: Gala co-chair Susanna Quinn, Gala co-chair Jennifer Griffin, 2024 Cancer Champion recipient Rep. Anna Eshoo, Gala co-chair Jason Van Pelt, Prevent Cancer Foundation Founder Carolyn "Bo" Aldigé, and Gala co-chair Ted Okon.

Thank you to the 2024 Prevent Cancer Gala top sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor:

  • Exakte Wissenschaften

Emerald Sponsor:

  • Gilead Sciences

Diamond Sponsors:

  • Amgen
  • Community Oncology Alliance
  • Daiichi-Sankyo, Inc.
  • Grail
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Merck
  • Midtown Group
  • Pfizer
  • Shure Family Charitable Foundation
  • Walmart

Platinum Sponsors:

  • Cencora
  • Pharmacosmos Therapeutics
  • PhRMA


Über die Prevent Cancer Foundation®

Die Prevent Cancer Foundation® ist die einzige gemeinnützige Organisation mit Sitz in den USA, die sich ausschließlich der Krebsvorsorge und Früherkennung widmet. Durch Forschung, Aufklärung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Interessenvertretung haben wir unzähligen Menschen geholfen, eine Krebsdiagnose zu vermeiden oder ihren Krebs früh genug zu erkennen, um erfolgreich behandelt werden zu können. Wir sind getrieben von der Vision einer Welt, in der Krebs für alle vermeidbar, erkennbar und besiegbar ist.

Die Stiftung stellt sich der Herausforderung, die Zahl der Krebstoten bis 2035 um 401 TP3T zu senken. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir uns verpflichtet, 1 TP4T20 Millionen in innovative Technologien zur Krebsfrüherkennung und zur Verbesserung des Multi-Krebs-Screenings zu investieren, 1 TP4T10 Millionen in die Ausweitung des Zugangs zu Krebsscreenings und Impfungen auf medizinisch unterversorgte Gemeinden und 1 TP4T10 Millionen in die Aufklärung der Öffentlichkeit über Screening- und Impfmöglichkeiten.

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