Das überparteiliche Congressional Families Program der Prevent Cancer Foundation veranstaltet einen Empfang zur Feier des ersten Nationalen Monats der Krebsprävention und Früherkennung



Kyra Meister



Washington, D.C. – The Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Congressional Families® Program will host a reception on Thursday, April 11 in recognition of the inaugural National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month. This invitation-only event, which will take place at the Rayburn Foyer in Washington, D.C., welcomes a bipartisan, bicameral audience of members of Congress and their spouses, as well as leaders in the cancer prevention community. Representatives will also be in attendance from many of the 84 organizations who signed on in support of the national proclamation declaring April as National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month.

“We are honored to bring together this bipartisan audience of congressional leaders and cancer prevention and early detection advocates from across the U.S. to celebrate this monumental achievement,” said Lisa McGovern, Executive Director of the Congressional Families Program. “This designation will bring needed attention, resources and action to prioritizing cancer prevention and early detection, which leads to better treatment options and better health outcomes.”

The event will recognize Dr. Francis Collins with the Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé Visionary Award for his landmark discoveries of disease genes and his leadership of the Human Genome Project. Dr. Collins was the longest serving presidentially appointed director of the National Institutes of Health, having served three U.S. presidents over more than 12 years. He worked closely with then-Vice President Biden to launch the Cancer Moonshot Initiative to fuel innovation and speed up new treatments to reduce cancer incidence and improve patient outcomes. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Ct.) will present the award.

The evening will also include remarks from Sheetal Sheth, an actor, producer and writer who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018, and Jody Hoyos, CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation®.

The designation of April as National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month was a collaborative effort spearheaded by the Prevent Cancer Foundation in partnership with the White House Cancer Moonshot and supported by 84 organizations. This awareness month is a critical step toward reducing the impact of cancer on individuals, families and communities across the U.S. During the month of April, advocates, partners, health care professionals and organizations will recognize National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month by: 

  • Wachsendes Bewusstein: Educating the public about the importance of cancer prevention and early detection through healthy behaviors and routine screenings.  
  • Inspirierende Aktion: Empowering individuals to take control of their health by adopting healthier behaviors and getting routine screenings and encouraging corporations and organizations to support their employees in these actions. 
  • Ressourcen mobilisieren: Encouraging public and private investment in cancer prevention and early detection initiatives, leading to improved health outcomes and reduced health care costs.  
  • Hervorhebung des Fortschritts: Celebrating the tremendous progress made in cancer research and the development of innovative prevention and early detection strategies driven forward by the Cancer Moonshot. 


About the Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program®

Der Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program® is a nonpartisan initiative to increase the public’s understanding of cancer prevention and early detection. Families of Senate, House, Cabinet and Supreme Court members are invited to work within their respective constituencies—and nationwide—to raise awareness and reduce risk for these diseases.

When the Congressional Families Program launched in 1991 as a partnership between the Prevent Cancer Foundation and The Congressional Club, initial efforts focused on breast cancer. The success of the Program’s first five years led to the expansion of its scope to include colorectal, liver, lung, oral, prostate, skin, testicular and cervical cancers, as well as HPV-related cancers. The Program offers participants video opportunities, ready-to-use social media posts, talking points, op-eds, speeches, educational resources for events and materials to share in their districts and beyond. With these tools, the Congressional Families Program takes the message of cancer prevention and early detection into communities across the United States. Für weitere Informationen, besuchen Sie bitte www.congressionalfamilies.org.

Über die Prevent Cancer Foundation®

Die Stiftung Prevent Cancer® Ist die einzigen USA-basierend gemeinnützige Organisation einzig und allein gewidmet Zu Krebs Prävention und frühzeitige Erkennung. Durch Forschung, Bildung, Reichweite und Interessenvertretung, Wir haben unzähligen Menschen geholfen, eine Krebsdiagnose zu vermeiden oder ihren Krebs früh genug zu erkennen, um eine erfolgreiche Behandlung zu ermöglichen. Was uns antreibt eine Vision einer Welt, in der Krebs vermeidbar ist, nachweisbarer und schlagbar für alle 

Die Stiftung stellt sich der Herausforderung, die Zahl der Krebstoten bis 2035 um 40% zu senken. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wir sind verpflichtet sich, $20 Millionen in innovative Technologien zur Früherkennung von Krebs und zur Mehr-Krebsvorsorge, $10 Millionen zur Ausweitung des Zugangs zu Krebsvorsorge und Impfungen für medizinisch unterversorgte Gemeinden und $10 Millionen, um die Öffentlichkeit über Screening- und Impfmöglichkeiten aufzuklären.

Für weitere Informationen, besuchen Sie bitte www.preventcancer.org.