Four young women of different ethnicities gather with their arms around each other’s shoulders. They appear to be outdoors with the wind blowing their long hair. All four are laughing.


Aufklärungsleitfaden zur Brustgesundheit

A user-friendly educational tool utilized in communities across the U.S. and around the world to reach young women with information about breast health and breast cancer.

While the guide was originally written for young cisgender women, it contains important breast health education for all young people with breasts, including people who are cisgender, transgender, gender-fluid or gender non-conforming.

Die Prevent Cancer Foundation Breast Health Education for Young Women Facilitator’s Guide is designed to increase young women’s knowledge about breast health. Updated in 2020, this user-friendly educational tool has been utilized in communities across the U.S. and around the world to reach young women with information about breast health and breast cancer. The guide was developed in conjunction with Howard University Cancer Center for use in interactive group sessions—whether in person or virtual—and to encourage information sharing with female relatives who are age-appropriate for screening.

About the Guide

From urban schools in Minnesota and health fairs in New York to a health center in Bermuda, educators are using the guide in schools and community settings to teach breast health to young women. “The materials were straightforward and easy to use,” commented a facilitator from Texas. Nurses, health educators and group leaders have used the facilitator’s guide to cover breast cancer myths and facts and to encourage young women to advocate for their health.

The Guide has also been translated into Spanish for groups in the United States which prefer the Spanish language, as well as for Spanish-speaking groups in other countries around the globe. The addition of the Spanish guide greatly extends the scope of the facilitator’s guide and allows us to reach more young women with important breast health messages.

Additional Resources

Electronic copies of resources found within the Guide are available to aid programs in advertising and conducting breast health education programs. Resources are available in both English and Spanish. Sample advertising forms include: superintendent/principal letters, parent/guardian letters and assent forms, and student assent forms. Evaluation forms include pre- and post-tests along with participant feedback forms. If evaluation forms are used in conjunction with your educational session, the forms may need to be adapted to fit the needs of your audience. If you are interested in obtaining copies of these forms, please contact us at

Download your free copy of the Guide today!

Electronic copies of the Guide are available for download in English or Spanish.

Download in English

Download in Spanish

Image of the English and Spanish Breast Health Guide Covers. Each cover is colorful with bright green and blue text and features a grid of portraits of diverse young women.