Das Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program feiert 30 Jahre parteiübergreifende Aufklärung über Krebsvorsorge und Früherkennung

Representative Doris Matsui and Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé


Lisa Berry Edwards

Representative Doris Matsui and Carolyn “Bo” AldigéWASHINGTON, December 14, 2021–The Prevent Cancer Foundation’s Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program® last week celebrated its 30th anniversary with a reception at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., featuring a toast from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to honor this unique initiative.

The event drew a bipartisan, bicameral audience of members of Congress and their spouses, as well as leaders in the cancer prevention community, to recognize the decades of bipartisan work to educate the public about early detection and cancer prevention. The Program was founded in 1991 as a partnership between the Congressional Club, led by then-congressional spouse, now Representative Doris Matsui, and the Prevent Cancer Foundation®.

“Thirty years ago, congressional spouses sought a unifying issue and service opportunity, and cancer is one issue that knows no political party,” said Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé, president and CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation. who co-founded the Program. “Today, this remains a unique program in its bipartisanship and the work being done by both congressional members and spouses to educate the public about cancer prevention and early detection.”

House Speaker Nancy PelosiHighlights of the event included remarks from Congressional Families Program Executive Director Lisa McGovern, Representative Matsui Und Ms. Aldigé on the history and legacy of the Program. Congressional Club President Charles Capito and Congressional Families Program Congressional Club Liaison and the 2021 Congressional Club First Lady’s Luncheon Chair Patricia Garamendi announced that First Lady’s Luncheon selected the Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program as a beneficiary of the Luncheon, which will help fund a 2022 research grant. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi offered a toast to mark the 30-year milestone.


About the Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program®

The Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program® began in 1991 as a partnership between the Prevent Cancer Foundation® and The Congressional Club, a bipartisan organization of spouses of Members of the House, Senate, Cabinet and Supreme Court. Spouses active in the Program share an interest in advancing cancer prevention and early detection programs and education. For more information, visit www.congressionalfamilies.org. 

Über die Prevent Cancer Foundation®
Die Stiftung Prevent Cancer® feiert sein 35-jähriges Bestehen als einzige gemeinnützige Organisation in den USA, die sich ausschließlich auf die Rettung von Menschenleben in allen Bevölkerungsgruppen durch Krebsvorsorge und Früherkennung konzentriert. Durch Forschung, Aufklärung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Interessenvertretung haben wir unzähligen Menschen geholfen, eine Krebsdiagnose zu vermeiden oder ihren Krebs früh genug zu erkennen, um erfolgreich behandelt werden zu können. 

Die Stiftung stellt sich der Herausforderung, die Zahl der Krebstoten bis 2035 um 401 TP3T zu senken. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, investieren wir 1 TP4T20 Millionen in innovative Technologien zur Früherkennung von Krebs und zur Verbesserung des Multi-Krebs-Screenings, 1 TP4T10 Millionen in die Ausweitung des Zugangs zu Krebsscreening und Impfungen für medizinisch unterversorgte Gemeinden und 1 TP4T10 Millionen in die Aufklärung der Öffentlichkeit über Screening- und Impfmöglichkeiten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.preventcancer.org.