
Women's Health Week

Published on May 15, 2017

Updated on February 13, 2018

Women's Health Week

Women's Health Week

Every year, the week after Mother’s Day is recognized as Women’s Health Week to remind women to put themselves first and take control of their health. With work, family and countless other responsibilities, it can be hard to make time for exercising, cooking healthy meals or going to the doctor. Take time for yourself this week to focus on your health to help reduce your cancer risk. Here are five easy ways to celebrate Women’s Health Week this year:

1) Drink 8 glasses of water every day: Most women don’t drink enough water and instead get their fluids from juice, soda and other sugary beverages. But every system in your body depends on water, so aiming for eight glasses a day is a great way to stay hydrated. If you get bored with plain water, add fresh fruit, veggies or herbs to mix it up. 

2) Get moving: Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day helps you lose weight, cut chronic disease risk and reduce stress. To work exercise into your busy schedule, use the stairs instead of elevators or escalators, meet friends for hiking or kayaking instead of happy hour or multitask with a quick workout while catching up on your favorite TV shows.

3) Try a new vegetable every day: Experiment with a new, seasonal vegetable every day this week. Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals and are nutritious in any form―fresh, frozen or canned. Pack your plate with veggies this week and you just might find your new favorite food.

4) Book a doctor’s appointment: Regular health check-ups and cancer screenings can help you prevent cancer or detect it early. This week, make an appointment for a physical and talk to your health care professional about what screening options are right for you.

5) Get enough sleep: One of the best things you can do for your body is get enough sleep. Sleep burns calories, helps protect your immune system and reduces cardiovascular disease risk. Adequate sleep also helps reduce your stress levels.

To learn more about how your lifestyle choices can reduce your cancer risk, visit our Preventable Cancers page. Have a great Women’s Health Week!

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