
Foods to Help You Fight Off Colorectal Cancer

Published on March 26, 2015

Updated on February 13, 2018

Diet and proper nutrition are vital tools in helping to prevent colorectal cancer. By staying active and packing your diet full of these vitamins and minerals, you can minimize your risk of getting this deadly disease.


Antioxidants work by bolstering the body’s defenses against potentially dangerous substances which can damage the body’s cells and lead to cancer. Apples, red grapes, berries, sweet potatoes and fish all include antioxidants. Drinking green tea is also a great source of this mineral.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is essential in forming new cells and tissues as well as keeping red blood cells healthy. Great sources of folic acid are citrus fruits and dark leafy vegetables, especially spinach.


Some studies have suggested calcium is a powerful mineral in the fight against colorectal cancer. Good sources of calcium include milk, cheese, yogurt and collard greens.

Vitamin D

Research has found that individuals with high levels of Vitamin D can reduce their colorectal cancer mortality risk by up to 72%. Fill your diet with salmon, eggs, mushrooms and tuna to maintain high levels of this powerful vitamin.


Fiber helps prevent cancer by moving wastes through the digestive tract faster which minimizes the amount of time potentially harmful wastes have in contact with intestinal cells. Some fiber can also help detoxify substances that could possibly lead to cancer. Eat whole-grains, prunes, berries, kidney beans, fresh fruits and vegetables to help your digestive system stay healthy.

Load up your diet with these foods to help prevent colorectal cancer. Be sure to limit your intake of high-fat foods as dietary fat can be a major cause of tumors developing in the colon. Stay active, limit your alcohol consumption and don’t use tobacco to help minimize your risk of colorectal cancer – the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. For more information on how your diet can help prevent cancer, visit


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