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Tagged ‘Testicular cancer’

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

While testicular cancer somewhat uncommon, it is mostly diagnosed among young, healthy individuals ages 20-39. While early detection is always preferable, testicular cancer is generally…

Patrick’s Early Detection Story

Patrick was a healthy 20-something who had just moved to Washington, D.C. When he experienced abdominal pain during a workout that didn’t go away, he…

The self-check every man should be doing at home

We tend to think we are invincible. As recent college grads, new homeowners, newlyweds or new parents, we can get caught up in all the…

Check your balls

This article originally appeared in the August 2018 edition of Cancer PreventionWorks. In February, Steven Eisner noticed an unusual firmness in his right testicle during…

Beating the buzzer on testicular cancer: Phil Kessel’s story

In August 2006, it seemed like Phil Kessel had it all. He was the fifth overall pick in the National Hockey League (NHL) entry draft…

#CheckYourM8 to make Valentine’s great ❤

With Valentine’s Day smack dab in the middle of the month, a lot of people think that February is just about chocolate and greeting cards….

How to self check for testicular cancer

Today’s blog comes from Hims, a company that focuses on men’s wellness. Everything from hair loss to skin care, they spend time on the things that…

Know Your Normal: Pay Attention to Changes in Your Body

April is Oral and Testicular Cancer Awareness Month making it the perfect time to talk about the importance of knowing what’s normal for your body….

Check Your Mate on Valentine’s Day

For 30 years, the Prevent Cancer Foundation has placed a large focus on educating the public about cancer prevention and early detection. Depending on one’s…

Check Yourself Out

Yes, that is right. Men also need to know their body, and in some cases check themselves on a regular basis to look for changes….